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Cant' get UART to transmit correctly at 9600 BAUD when using an external 32Khz clock

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F247

I have used the same code many times to set up the UART0 at 9600. when using a crystal tied to xin/xout. Now i'm using a MSP430F247 with an external 32Khz clock tied to XIN only. The UART receives data okay at 9600, but when I transmit I get all 0's or all ones?  I looked at P5.6(ACLK) and it is at 32KHZ. Am i missing something?.

I use this code to set up the UART.

BCSCTL3=XT2S_3+LFXT1S_3; //clock set up

P3SEL = 0x30; // all pins of PORT3 dio except 4,5 are usbtxrx
P3DIR = 0xF7; //ALL OUT EXCEPT P3.3,4,5 usb
P3OUT = 0xCE;

UCA0CTL1=01;//reset as puc
UCA0BR0 = 0x03; // 32kHz/9600 = 3.41 use 3
UCA0BR1 = 0x00; //
UCA0MCTL = UCBRS1 + UCBRS0; // Modulation UCBRSx = 3

  • But there is a transmission? And an incoming byte is recognized by the other side (computer)?
  • Thanks for the reply- Yes i receive bytes correctly into the MSP430 but when I transmit I do see data into the PC but it's all ones. I learned yesterday that sometimes it sends the right character about 1 in every 20-30 bytes when repeatedly sending the same character which makes me thing there's a timing issue with the Baud. My concern is that I have the clocks set up right for the external 32khz going into XIN. I've used this same code UART initialization many times as I said but always when using a 32K crystal tied to the micro.
  • When you see correct clock at the ACLK pin, then there's nothing wrong with the clock itself.

    What do you see at the TXD pin? (Output a series of 0x55 bytes to get a nice square wave.)

  • I got it to work, but not really sure what was wrong. it might have been a pullup too weak on the optocoupler that isolates the tx,rx from the USB bridge chip I'm using.

    Thanks for your help

  • Oh, OK, you did not say anything about an optocoupler. In that case yes, wrong dimensioned resistors and/or a bad (very slow) optocoupler can cause problems. Active parts like the 6N137 are well suited for things like that.


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