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MSP430G2 UART in multiprocessor mode

Any example projects implementing the MSP430G2 UART in multiprocessor mode, 

Idle-Line Multiprocessor Format When UCMODEx = 01 

as well as 

Address-Bit Multiprocessor Format When UCMODEx = 10

Automatic baud rate detection example would be great too.


  • Viking,

    I'm asking around to see if we have any example codes other than the ones provided through CCS, but this might not be the case. I'll keep you updated.

    Michael Arriete
  • Viking,

    I have attached an example code providing usage of a Automatic Baud Rate Detection and Address-Bit Multiprocessor Format. Unfortunately, I could not find one with Idle-Line Multiprocessor Format. I hope this helps!

    G2xx UART Example

    Best Regards,

    Michael Arriete

  • Thanks.
    This looks like a little API to use this feature, but with no doucmentation how the different functions are meant to be used, or even what they intend to do. Do you have documenation for this, even in the form of a working example.
  • Hi Viking,

     We are still working on the documentation, the code that Michael provided, is just a small piece of an App Note (LIN) that we are currently working on.

    So if you want to try this, please call this function to initialize your UART


    and then please review the User's Guide (SLAU144) - 15.3.4 Automatic Baud Rate Detection

    The bytes received after the break/synch sequence is sent (message) should trigger the function call Rx_ISR in the USCI0RX_ISR.

    __interrupt void USCI0RX_ISR(void)
      uint8_t sync_rx_byte;
       if (SBF_Received)
    	   sync_rx_byte = UART_Rx(USCIA_0);
    	   // Receive Message
    	   SBF_Received = true;
    	   // Clear BF flag and disable Interrupt

    Hopefully this helps.

      Best regards,


  • David,
    Thanks a lot for addressing this. We are impressed. Got he Auto Baud Rate Detection working. (it does appear to be some built-in support for this that I am not using fully, so your full documentation will be helpful).

    However, still not able to use the multiprocessor support, mostly because of very little information. I look much forward to the new documentation.

    Please make sure to update me as soon as this is available. And again, Code is King; need for much documentation other than a working code example.

    Regards, Erik

  • Erik,

    This post has been closed but will be updated when the App Note becomes available. Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,
    Michael Arriete

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