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Regads I2C Problem

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6435


  I am using MSP430F6435 controller. In that for Battery saving Purpose LPM3 mode currently i am using. In some situations I need to operate with I2C. At that conditions (LPM3EXIT) I have reinitialized the I2c eventhough its not working. if I apply the software reset then its working good. Why it is happening like that.

why the  LPM3EXIT is not sufficient.




  • Hi Hari.M,

    Can you please further explain how your application is exiting LPM3 mode? Is it through an I2C ISR or otherwise? If possible, can you please provide a code segment that demonstrates how you are exiting LPM3? Can you prove that the MSP430 does as expected and begins active mode/CPU operation afterwards? Also, what is your clock source for USCI B0 peripheral?

  • Hello Hari.M,

    Have you solved your issue, and if not can you please answer the questions I've stated?

  • Hi Ryan,

        Still the problem is not resolved. In timer ISR exiting from LPM. After the LPM exit switched to SMCLK 1mhz.

    Now we are planning to use rogowski coil. Here i need to develop digital integrator with cut off frequency(50hz). Can you tell me about this also.



  • Hi Hari.M,

    I still do not have enough information about the problem to offer any advice on how it can be fixed. So you exit LPM3 using a timer interrupt and reinitialize both the SMCLK and I2C afterwards? Using the debugger, what symptoms are present that show the MSP430 is not operating as expected? Can you provide some example code or software flow diagram to help demonstrate the issue?

    I have no advice for implementing a rogowski coil or digital integrator with an MSP430. The end result appears to output a voltage that would need to be input to a MSP430 ADC channel so long as the voltage does not exceed Vcc. Since a Rogowski coil is used to measure AC values it would probably be beneficial to use a MSP430 with a sigma-delta (SD) converter.


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