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Dear All
I am measuring the power consumption of MSP430FR5739 using a MSP-EXP430FR5739 board and a power monitor (Monson Solutions Inc.). The program I am running is the example MSP430FR57xx_LPM4.c from here, and whose code, for ease of reference is:
#include <msp430.h> int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT P1DIR = 0; P1OUT = 0; P1REN = 0xFF; P2DIR = 0; P2OUT = 0; P2REN = 0xFF; P3DIR = 0; P3OUT = 0; P3REN = 0xFF; P4DIR = 0; P4OUT = 0; P4REN = 0xFF; CSCTL0_H = 0xA5; CSCTL1 |= DCOFSEL0 + DCOFSEL1; // Set max. DCO setting CSCTL2 = SELA_1 + SELS_3 + SELM_3; // set ACLK = VLO; MCLK = DCO CSCTL3 = DIVA_0 + DIVS_1 + DIVM_1; // set all dividers CSCTL4 = XT1OFF + XT2OFF; CSCTL5 &= ~(XT1OFFG + XT2OFFG); PJDIR = 0; PJOUT = 0; PJREN = 0xFF; REFCTL0 |= REFTCOFF; REFCTL0 &= ~REFON; __bis_SR_register(LPM4_bits); }
As seen, this basically puts the MSP430FR5739 in LMP4.
The problem I am having is that I cannot get the correct power consumption value because when I power the experimenter board, it does power both the MSP430FR5739 and the debugging/programming interface. The debugging and programming interface consists of, according to the schematics in slau343b.pdf, a MSP430F16X and other components connected to it, among others a LED (led0 in the board).
When powering the experimenter board, this led remains always ON, indicating the the board is effectively powered. Besides the fact that I don't know what other components from the debugging/programming interface are being powered, I would like just to power the MSP430FR5730 solely with a CC25xx RF I have connected to the board.
Also worth mentioning I am powering the board using the VCC and GND pins available where you can connect a RF radio, and next to MSP_PWR and RF_PWR. I have connected the power monitor to MSP_PWR in an attempt to measure the both current and power of the MSP430FR5739. But I would need to use the board without the debugging interface for further experimentation. That's why I would like to disable it, if possible.
I would appreciate your help with this. Many thanks.
Best regards,
Edit: Below a photo of my setup:
From left to right, red (VCC) and black (GND) to power the debugger/programming interface. Red (VCC_MSP) and brown (RF_PWR -only pin 2-) to power the MSP430FR5739 and the RF CC25xx I am using.
My question is, why do I have to power the debugger/programmer as well? If I disconnect MSP_PWR and RF_PWR from the electric power source, only the debugger/programming interface is working, and I cannot find the way to power only the rest of the board without such interface. I cannot figure this out from schematics either.
Hi Ryan,
I purchased a MSP-FET and now I am measuring the expected ~5.7uA in LPM4. I am inducing the msp430fr5739 now into LPM4.5 simply by:
#if MODE_LPM4_5 PMMCTL0_H = PMMPW_H; // Unlock PMMPW register PMMCTL0_L |= PMMREGOFF; // Set PMMREGOFF --> LDO turned off on LPM4.5 entry PMMCTL0_L &= ~(SVSHE + SVSLE); __bis_SR_register(LPM4_bits + GIE); #else __bis_SR_register(LPM4_bits); #endif
And now the EnergyTrace profile output is:
Can the MSP-FET truly measure the theoretical 0.57 uA for LMP4.5?
Hi David,
If you look at Table 2-1 of the CCS v6.1 for MSP4320 User's Guide you will see that MSP430FR57xx devices do not support LPMx.5 debugging and therefore cannot be used with EnergyTrace. You will have to use an external current measurement device to evaluate your device's power consumption while in LPM4.5.
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