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MSP430p2553 and Timers


I am preparing for an exam and am having a hard time wrapping my head around timers. I have (simple) working code that alternatively blinks the red and green LED approx. every second using a timer. I am using TASSEL_1 which is the ACLK clock. This clock runs at 32 kHz. I set the timer to be an UP timer and am counting to 200 (well, the interrupt is occurring every 201 counts :o) and this is what confuses me -> the interrupt is happening about every second but the way I got there was with playing with the TACCR0 value until it seemed ok to me. So how do I calculate the correct value for TACCR0 and not just guess it? 

I do realize that this has been explained about 1000 times online but I just cannot seem to understand any of the examples (, for example, explains it quite well but not for the ACLK). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance


------------------------------ here is the code

#include <msp430G2553.h>

// just some defines
#define BOOLEAN int
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE !FALSE

// my two LEDs are on BIT0 and BIT6
#define RED_LED BIT0
#define GREEN_LED BIT6

// set when the RED LED is on
BOOLEAN led_red = FALSE;

 * main.c
int main (void) {

    WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;	// Stop watchdog timer

    // setup the timer
    TACCTL0 =						// Capture/Compare Control Register
    		CCIE;					// interrupt enable
    TACTL = 						// Timer_A Control Register
    		TASSEL_1 + 				// = ACLK is a 32kHz crystal clock
			MC_1;					// Use the UP mode timer (set up count in TACCRO
	TACCR0 = 200;					// Timer_A will count UP to here

	// setup LEDs
	P1DIR |= RED_LED + GREEN_LED;	// set P1DIR out for RED and GREEN
	P1OUT &= ~RED_LED;				// turn off red
	P1OUT &= ~GREEN_LED;			// turn off green

	// start interrupts
	_enable_interrupts ();

	while (1==1) {
		// do nothing

#pragma vector=TIMER0_A0_VECTOR
__interrupt void timer (void) {

	if (led_red == TRUE) {
		led_red = FALSE;
		P1OUT &= ~RED_LED;			// RED OFF
	} else {
		led_red = TRUE;
		P1OUT |= RED_LED;			// RED ON

  • 32768/201 = 163 times a second, a toggle would then be 81.5Hz
    So something is wrong if you get 1Hz, removed resistor from Launchpad?, not touching the pins with you hand?
  • So I would need to set my count up to 32768 to get a 1 second interrupt then. I'm a software type of guy so I wouldn't know if there was a missing resistor (doesn't look like anything is missing/burt out on the board though) and I am not touching the board at all when it runs... it is on a glass table on the four little rubber circles on the bottom of the board. Maybe the glass table is the problem?
  • >32768 to get a 1 second need to remove resistors that are after the crystal, as I take it you did solder the included crystal?
  • Ursus Schneider said:
    ...which is the ACLK clock. This clock runs at 32 kHz....


    Not true! You do not have a 32 kHz crystal and you did not make it oscillate. Your ACLK is at a unknown frequency. 

  • We got given these to use by the university - nope, didn't do any soldering at all. I don't think we are allowed. Is there any other timer I can maybe use to get a 1second interrupt that does not need me to grab a soldering iron?

  • So what do I need to do. Sorry to be so unsure but I found the 32 kHz stuff in the User Manual or Family guide and just assumed :) As I said I am a software guy and just want/need to set a timer interrupt every second. Is there another way to do this?
  • You could set the DCO to 1 MHz by using the 1 MHz Calibrated settings. Thus SMCLK can be 1 MHz.

    Set up Timer as you did. Except select SMCLK instead of ACLK. Set CCR0 to 999 so that it will generate an interrupt every 1000 clocks (counting from 0 to 999 is 1000 counts). And inside your ISR, you can count from 0 to 999 also to make the total count 1000000.
  • if (CALBC1_1MHZ != 0xff){               // skip if erased by mistake
      BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ;                // Set DCO to factory calibrate 1MHz  
    TA0CCR0 = 62500-1;                      // Set Timer to 2Hz
    TA0CCTL0 = CCIE;	                    // interrupt enabled for TA0_0  
    TA0CTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_1 + ID_3;   	    // SMCLK source, uptoccr0, input divider /8

    Toggle the LED in the IRQ and they are on for 1/2sec and off for 1/2sec = 1Hz
    To get slower:
    make ISR skip toggle every other time,
    or  DIVS_1 on the SMLK in one of the  BCSCTLx register.

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