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How to force the MSP430 start address in CCSv6

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5514


We want to force the MSP430F5514 start address(.cinit section) to a fixed address
and with some testing we found that below code in the linker command file forces
the start address to the necessary address.
Please let us know if this is the proper procedure and if there is any other
settings available in CCSv6 to fix the start address.

    boot > 0xXXXX
        /*  -l rts430xl.lib<boot.obj>(.text) */
        -l rts430xl.lib<boot_special.obj>(.text:_isr)

Best Regards

  • Hi Kummi,

    There are several ways to accomplish this using the linker command file, TI does not recommend any certain procedure and one method does not particularly hold an advantage over the others. There are no CCS settings to change the start address, it is all contained within the linker command file.  Please let me know if your solution presents any particular problems.


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