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CCS/MSP432P401R: dimming the led light

Part Number: MSP432P401R

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

this code is from one of the example i found online

#include "msp.h"

int main(void) {
    void redirect(void);


    /* set up TA0.4 to do compare */
    TIMER_A0->CTL = 0x02E4;     /* SMCLK, ID = /8, continuous mode, TA clear */
    TIMER_A0->EX0 = 7;          /* IDEX = /8 */
    TIMER_A0->CCTL[4] = TIMER_A_CCTLN_OUTMOD_6;   /* OUTMOD = toggle */
    TIMER_A0->CCR[4] = 11719;   /* toggle point 11719*/
    TIMER_A0->CCTL[4] |= 0x10;  /* enable CC interrupt */

    /* Configure P2.7 as Timer A0.4 compare output */
    P2->SEL0 |= 0x80;
    P2->SEL1 &= ~0x80;
    P2->DIR |= 0x80;

    redirect();         /* connect TA0.4 output to pin P2.1 */

    NVIC_SetPriority(TA0_N_IRQn, 3);    /* set priority to 3 in NVIC */
    NVIC_EnableIRQ(TA0_N_IRQn);         /* enable interrupt in NVIC */
    __enable_irq();                     /* global enable IRQs */   
    while (1) {

void TA0_N_IRQHandler(void) {
    TIMER_A0->CCTL[4] &= ~1;         /* clear interrupt flag */
    TIMER_A0->CCR[4] += 11719;       /* schedule next toggle */
/* This function connects the output of TA0.4 to pin P2.1 */
void redirect(void) {
    PMAP->KEYID = 0x2D52;     /* unlock PMAP */
    P2MAP->PMAP_REGISTER1 = PMAP_TA0CCR4A;  /* 23, map P2.1 to TA0.4 */
    P2->DIR |= 2;             /* set up P2.1 to take TA0.4 output */
    P2->SEL0 |= 2;
    P2->SEL1 &= ~2;
    PMAP->CTL = 1;            /* lock PMAP */
    PMAP->KEYID = 0;

i can adjust the speed blinking but i have no idea where i can adjust the intensity of light? i want the intensity to be lower. any idea?

  • Halimatus,

    LED's brightness depends on the power applied to the LED. MCUs are inherently digital and are not able provide an analog signal to control the brightness, so PWM techniques are used to achieve brightness control.

    For instance 100% duty cycle (GPIO is always high) is the brightest the LED can be. if you decrease the duty cycle by 50%, then the brightness will dim by 50%. I suggest you watch a few videos that talk about LED basics.

    Simply, to adjust your brightness, you adjust your duty cycle.

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