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MSP-EXP430FR4133: From the TI Store missing booster pack headers on top and bottom

Part Number: MSP-EXP430FR4133

Hi team,


I have had the second customer support issue with the MSP-EXP430FR4133 not having any headers soldered on nor provided separately. I personally got this launchpad when it was newly released and it has the expected male headers on top and female on the bottom. We also state and show that in the users guide.


I know we have changed this up a few times in previous Launchpads but I just want to check in to see if there is an issue with the latest batch from our own TI Store not having any at all? They were both fresh orders from the last week or 2. I can provide more details if needed.




  • Hi Billy,

    We are not aware of any issues with LaunchPads not having the headers included.  Can you check with both of the customers you have had report missing headers to see what version of the LaunchPad they have?  It should be printed in silkscreen on the top right hand side of the board.



  • Hi Mike,

    Sure, attached is a picture. The TI Store order is ~2 weeks old. Its rev 1.1. The other one was from an order this week. Both from the TI Store. I’m confident that all of the stock at the TI Store is missing the headers so we may would want to let Bill B know or I’m not sure what the proper process is for pulling those.



  • Thank you Billy, I will work with the team to check, and if so, get the remaining inventory corrected.

  • Billy,

    We spot checked through some of the inventory of same build of MSP-EXP430FR4133 and all the kits we checked had the headers installed correctly. Please have your customers initiate a return/exchange and we will replace their boards.

  • Thanks Mike,

    Well what are the odds, 2 in a row that fell into my lap!

    I actually already dealt with pushing the RMA through, I just didn’t want to keep doing this for every customer until the TI Store depleted the stock. I wanted to touch base with yall about any known production runs missing them but it doesn’t sound like it though.

    Thanks for the super quick same day resolution!


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