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Part Number: MSP432P401M
I implement a SWD loader tool myself.(SWD-debug interface include SWCLK and SWDIO signals).
After I use this tool wtite location from 0x00 t0 0x03 with 0x33221100,I can not write core registers include R4,xPSR.
I always get Fault ACK when I operate core(ARM CPU) registers.
How should I recover the device by SWD interface?
Best regards~
Xin Chen
Hello Xin,
Questions regarding the CPU debug architecture should always refer to the ARM Debug Architecture Specification. This is a document hat TI does not own or supply and must be referred to from ARM's web documents. I am sorry we cannot provide specifics on the CPU debug.
Hi,Amit ,
Thank you advise.
In deed,I have some practice on ARM debug using by JTAG and SWD,such as enable debug DAP,halt cpu,run cpu,and write/read memory of device.
And I can implement it on blank device(MSP432P401) successfully(The device does not have any application code in embed flash).
So I think something is associated with the boot procedure of the device.
Such as I can not halt the ARM core when the device is in reset state.But that is very useful for me to stop running user application in embed flash.
And I find It is difficult to halt cpu after downloading usr application code into embed flash.
Would you help me check this problem?
Thank you very much.
Best regards~
Xin Chen
Sorry,I do not know since the executing application binary code is from burnning house.
I also use xds100v2 paired with uniflash to download that application binary code into device,then xds100V2 can not connect the device again.
And I do more tests:do power off and power on procedure five times on the device,then the xds100v2 can connect the device again.
Since I am familar with the low level interface(physicall layer) of SWD,JTAG,and ARM debug interface,I will provide more information something about SWD access to analyze this problem.
SWD access abnormal phenomenon:SWD config bus access size(8bit,16bit or 32bit) and address increase mode fail by configing CSW registers of debug module.
And more,I will describe the SWD access abnormal phenomenon more low level.I foud that the ACK of SWD packet is always wait state whatever I try.It looks like the AHB/PPB bus is always
Would you know what's happend and how to use XDS100v2 solve this problem?
Thank you very much.
Best regards~
Xin Chen
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