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MSP430FR2422: About TLV structure

Part Number: MSP430FR2422


I have questions.

Is it possible to erase TLV structure?

Is TLV structure protected from erasing?


  • TLV structure is stored in ROM during device production, and can not be changed.

  • Zrno is correct. The TLV data is read-only memory on the MSP430FR2422.
  • Hi zrno, Walter,

    Thank you for your reply.
     What document should I refer to ?

    I couldn't find that in TI documents. 

  • Hi Keirs,

    I agree that it's not completely clear that this is the case just reading the datasheet. I'll see if we can get that clarified in the future.

    You may reference this migration guide: slaa646. Take a look at Section 4 which discusses the differences between device calibration information between the F4x family and the FRAM family (this guide specifically discusses FR6x, but the same TLV principle applies to the MSP430FR2422). This is also discussed specifically for the FR2xx and FR4xx FRAM devices in this migration guide: slaa649.

    This TLV topic is of interest because in the F4xx flash MCU's, the TLV-equivilent information (calibration constants, ect.) were stored in INFO flash memory, and could in fact be erased by a bootloader or by the application firmware. On the FRAM devices, this is not possible because the calibration constants are located in a protected section of the FRAM that is programmed one time. There is no mechanism to erase or re-program this memory.

    Do you have some specific concerns regarding the TLV?


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