Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR4133
I am trying to debug the port pin toggling program to MSP430FR2110 with using MSP-FETFlash Emulation tool. firstly i have connected this controller to FET using 4 wire connection as suggested in hardware tool with eternal power supply on pin no 4 of FET .i have checked JTAG connections connectivity twice . But when i tried to debug fresh controller using CCS V7 i have got error specifying that "Error Connecting to the target: Unknown device". then i have tried with various combinations after checking every time JTAG connection are following
1) i have tried with various capacitor on Reset pin 10nF,47pF and 1nF with Fixed resistor as 47Kohms
2) tried with 2 wire debugging specified for MSP430FR series (NC to Test pin of FET tht is 8 No pin) with external power and FET power.
3)Tried with power up controller from FET(from 2nd no pin)
4) changing USB port of computor
5)Tried with soldering controller on breakout board and tested on Breadboard
6) tried debug my controllers using of Emulator(eZ-FET V1.2) of MSP430FR4133 launchpad
7) also tried on CCS V6.2
8) updating CCS and FET
when i am trying to use 2 wire connection on MSP430FR4133 launch pad using external FET its work fine only with FET power mode not in external power mode, as i saw in launchpad circuit it have 47K with 1nF on RST pin trying with same value on MSP430FR2110 its showing same error . also MSP43FR4133 will not working on 4 wire mode.
I have tried on another MSP430FR4133 own designed board its worked only once for 2 wire mode and 4 wire mod with FET power but when i am tried 2nd time its not working showing same error.
now the condition is i can not debug MSP430FR2110 Nor MSP430FR4133(my own board).
Please suggest how to proceed? also i will tried to find out solutions from my side.
i have not connected any component other than decoupling capacitor between DVCC an DVSS