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Linux/MSP-TS432PZ100: Help on getting up and running

Part Number: MSP-TS432PZ100

Tool/software: Linux

I need help getting up and running with the MSP-TS432PZ100 kit. I've ordered and have received three MSP432P401R chips. I have seated one of the chips into the ZIF socket interface. I'm currently lost on what to do next. I know I need a debugger but not sure if I should get the XDS200 debugger or some other model. My computer is running Linux Ubuntu 18 but I also have a system running Windows 10. I would rather keep my development work on Linux. Can someone help me get started? I haven't been able to find getting started guides for this board.

  • Hello Shane,

    The emulators work for Linux as well. Please however check with the web site for the emulator for any known OS issues.

    Secondly you can use cloud based resources to write your program if you have trouble running the development environment. Again the Code Composer Studio v8 is supported on multiple OS
  • Amit ~ I have installed the latest CCS and have just received my XDS200 emulator probe. I have a few questions...

    Does the board I have (mentioned above) need external power? If so what pins do I connect to for external power. I was assuming the debug probe provided power but I guess not.
  • Hello Shane

    Please refer to the user guide for the board for powering options (Section onward). Please first make sure that the Board rev matches with the correct section of the document. As a safe start, assume that the debugger will provide the power.
  • Hi Amit ~ Thank you for staying with me. I have at this point done the following successfully...

    1) Followed the instructions for setting jumpers for external power in the doc you attached above (very helpful).
    2) Created new target configuration in CCS
    3) Plugged in my XDS200 to my computer and my board
    4) Applied power to my board and launched the new target config file
    5) It allowed me to test the connection and everything passed succesfully

    In the "Getting Started" view in CCS I downloaded "SimpleLink MSP432 SDK. I was able to import the blinkled_msp432p401r_MSP_EXP432P401R_nortos_ccs project. In the debug session that is now running I do see that my blue led on my board is blinking (which is awesome). I have a few questions left...

    1) How do I create a project of my own with the bare necessities of startup code to get me to main() WITH TI DRIVER SUPPORT?
    2) How do I create a project of my own with the bare necessities of startup code to get me to main() WITHOUT TI DRIVER SUPPORT?

    I mentioned those two scenarios because I would like to first use the TI DRIVERS that will help me get familiar with the chip at first. However, as I progress and become more familiar I will not need all these drivers and will only need to use the TI provide startup code to get me to main(). I hope that made sense?!


  • Hello Shane,

    I would suggest using a basic project like blinky LED for non TI-driver and something like adcbuf for TI driver to ensure that all paths are mapped.

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