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MSP430F5329: ADC12SHSx Where do I find the clocks referenced?

Part Number: MSP430F5329

In MSP430x5xx and MSP430x6xx Family User's Guide (SLAU208P) Paragraph 28.3.2 ADC12CTL1 Register 

Bits 11-10 ADC12SHSx It says 

00b = ADC12SC bit

01b = Timer source (see device-specific data sheet for exact timer and locations)

10b = Timer source (see device-specific data sheet for exact timer and locations)

10b = Timer source (see device-specific data sheet for exact timer and locations)

I did a search through SLAS678D MSP430F532x to try to find those timers. 

   I searched for ADC12CTL1 and could only find the address of the register. 

   I searched for ADC12SHS and found references for output pins in page 23, and 26

There is no mention on page 26 which says to go to Family Reference (SLAU208P)

The no mention in 12-Bit ADC, Timing Parameters Page 61

So then I went to io430f5329.h to see if it was in the include file. No.You use :

#define ADC12SHS0_H (0x0004u) /* ADC12 Sample/Hold Source Bit: 0 */

#define ADC12SHS1_H (0x0008u) /* ADC12 Sample/Hold Source Bit: 1 */

#define ADC12SHS_0 (0*0x400u) /* ADC12 Sample/Hold Source: 0 */
#define ADC12SHS_1 (1*0x400u) /* ADC12 Sample/Hold Source: 1 */
#define ADC12SHS_2 (2*0x400u) /* ADC12 Sample/Hold Source: 2 */
#define ADC12SHS_3 (3*0x400u) /* ADC12 Sample/Hold Source: 3 */

On other variables you do:

#define RTCSSEL__ACLK (0x0000u) /* RTC Source Select ACLK */
#define RTCSSEL__SMCLK (0x0400u) /* RTC Source Select SMCLK */
#define RTCSSEL__RT1PS (0x0800u) /* RTC Source Select RT1PS */


#define TASSEL__TACLK (0*0x100u) /* Timer A clock source select: 0 - TACLK */
#define TASSEL__ACLK (1*0x100u) /* Timer A clock source select: 1 - ACLK */
#define TASSEL__SMCLK (2*0x100u) /* Timer A clock source select: 2 - SMCLK */
#define TASSEL__INCLK (3*0x100u) /* Timer A clock source select: 3 - INCLK */

#define TBSSEL__TBCLK (0*0x100u) /* Timer0_B7 clock source select: 0 - TBCLK */
#define TBSSEL__TACLK (0*0x100u) /* Timer0_B7 clock source select: 0 - TBCLK (legacy) */
#define TBSSEL__ACLK (1*0x100u) /* Timer0_B7 clock source select: 1 - ACLK */
#define TBSSEL__SMCLK (2*0x100u) /* Timer0_B7 clock source select: 2 - SMCLK */
#define TBSSEL__INCLK (3*0x100u) /* Timer0_B7 clock source select: 3 - INCLK */


So then I went to the driverlib. 

And found:

// The following are values that can be passed to the
// sampleHoldSignalSourceSelect parameter for functions: ADC12_A_init().

So again nothing defined. 

ADC12SHSx Where do I find the clocks referenced for those two bits? 

I am out of ideas. 

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