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MSP430FR4133: BOOST-IR Bundle does not make contact with LaunchPad device

Part Number: MSP430FR4133
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR2433, , BOOST-IR, MSP-EXP430FR4133, MSP-EXP430FR2433

Dear engineers/TI support,

I just received my MSP430FR4133-BOOSTIR Bundle (ordered as such). 

Are the pins supposed to be like this?

However, it seems that the header pins on the MSP (above) are either too short (broken off?), or wrong (should they be longer like these headers from my other MSP430FR2433, below).

Shouldn't the pins be longer like this?

As a result, the BOOST-IR module does not make contact with my MSP430FR4133. 

Is this a problem with the manufacturing of the board or something that I am missing?

Thank you!

  • Hi Samuel,

    You are absolutely correct- the MSP-EXP430FR4133 should have headers on the top side just like the MSP-EXP430FR2433. Just to confirm, you received the MSP-EXP430FR4133 in the EVM box just as shown in the first picture? If so, this is a manufacturing issue, and I apologize for the delay that it is causing you here. I will reach out to you via E2E message so that we can work out your order details and get you the correct hardware that you ordered.

  • Samuel,

    If you ordered your bundle from the TI Store, please visit this link:

    Select "TI Store Order Issue", and give a brief description of the issue, include a link to this thread, and request that a new MSP-EXP430FR4133 EVM be sent to you.


  • Samuel,

    It would also be very helpful for me if you would capture a high resolution photo of the top and bottom of the defective EVM that you received. That way I can trace the build code from the serial number on the back side to figure out what happened here.

  • Yes I did order the Launchpad-IR bundle from TI and it arrived as shown in the picture.. I would greatly appreciate it if you could PM me to help me resolve the issue!

    I'm currently away from home and will only be able to send the pictures later.

  • Attached are the photos requested.


    In case the pics are not clear enough,

    The build code at the back seems to be:


    JX01 94V-0 2317

    The letterings on the MSP chip:




    REV B.

    Also, thank you for your help; TI is currently sending me a new microcontroller :)

    Hopefully that one doesn't have any issues!



  • Thanks Samuel. Please post again if you have any issues.

  • Hopefully, the new Launchpad won't be defective this time.

    Also, kudos to TI - I'm still glad I bought from you guys thanks to the excellent customer support :)

  • Hi @

    I received my new Launchpad device today, and there's the exact same problem -.-

    Best part is, I just checked the build code at the back and it's literally the same batch no. (E305654, 94V-0, 2317), so my guess is that the entire batch is faulty, but somehow they decided to send me back the same thing?!?.

    Anyway, for your reference, the images of the new and old MCUs are attached below:

    New MCU: Front, back and front with invoice.

    Old MCU: Back with Build no. (build no. is the same as the new one)

    Old and New MCU: Old one is the one at the back, new on is on the paper.


    I appreciate the prompt response from TI regarding my faulty microcontroller, but I think it's a waste of time and money for them to send me the EXACT SAME BATCH of faulty Launchpad.

    I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me on this matter: Should I wait for a new batch to come out before I request another one be sent to me?

    I wanted to use my break time to tinker with the micro-controllers but I guess I now have to wait for a new one (again) :'(

    Thank you,


  • , so should I wait for the next batch or something before sending another email to TI support? Thanks

  • I've received the new Launchpad with relevant headers. I'm in the midst of testing it with the BOOST-IR Module and it seems to be going quite well.

    Thank you so much for helping me resolve this issue. It's great customer service on your part and kudos to you for that!


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