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MSP430F4250: What are the steps of powering on the MSP430 the first time from a hardware and soft ware perspective?

Part Number: MSP430F4250

What are the steps of powering on the MSP430 the first time from a hardware and soft ware perspective?

I know from reading you go through a BOR, POR, and PUC.  However, during the first power up, what are the needed steps to begin for software and hardware.  I found a lot of information on reset, but what about a first time power on?

  • Hello Jason,

    After giving the MSP430 the proper voltage or power up ramp, the power management inside the chip will release the chip to start executing. There is some in chip boot code that makes sure the chip comes up properly. After that, typically your C_INIT file the compiler generates is executed and then your application code (main). So from a SW perspective, things are taken care fo for you to get the part up and running at tis basic settings.

    This is when within your application you change the chip settings to fit your application. Adjust clock speed, set up peripherals, that sort of thing.
  • Watch for smoke.

    But seriously, make sure the current is within bounds. Any number of things can cause excessive current, and none of them are good.

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