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MSP430F5327: ADC12 - Interrupt service routine

Part Number: MSP430F5327

Hi Team,

I used MSP430F5327 long time but in last few month I have problem that the ADC12 not operate the interrupt service routine and it cause that the ADC not finish the measurement, what can be the reason?

Same code work in some of the units and not done software change that related to this.



  • Can you please post your code?

    What is your observed failure rate?

    Best regards


  • Hi Lukas,
    Posting the code is not easy to do, I hoped you can direct me to the optional reasons, so I can review.
    I know it based on TA0 timer, but what maybe the reason for not triggering the ISR function?
    Did electrical damaged maybe a reason for that?
  • Hi Shlomi,

    Please don't understand me wrong, but I don't think this kind of guessing is helpful.
    Electrical damage can be a reason of course.
    Do you have some more facts, like what is your failure rate?
    Does an A-B-A swap help?
    Are the faulty units failing from beginning or does the issue come after time?
    Can you attach a debugger to the failing applications?

    Best regards
  • Hi Lukas,


    I can connect debugger, this way I see the ISR_ADC12 is never reached in failed units and reached in good units.


    What is A-B-A?

    Failure rate is not clear right now, we face the issue in a few units lately.

    It does not happens on first time but looks like it happens on second or third access to the chip.


    I understand it difficult to understand the problem, but maybe get a list of things to go through, taking in account many units works fine.





  • Hi Shlomi,

    A-B-A, means to replace bad chip with good chip and check the results, and also put bad chip on good chip application and also verify.

    Can you take a bad chip and load an simple ADC code, like msp430f524x_adc10_01.c from here:

    This would give an indication if the chips are ok.

    Many thanks


  • Hi Shlomi,

    Any further results from your investigation?

  • Hi Lukas,


    Maybe the reason for the ADC problem can be lack of memory, is it possible that I write over critical portion?

    I just added a few lines of code to previous version.


    I get the following in the map file: (for device - MSP430F5327_80PN)



                    *                                      *

                    *        END OF CROSS REFERENCE        *

                    *                                      *



    65 968 bytes of CODE  memory (+              498 range fill )

      8 012 bytes of DATA  memory (+ 213 absolute )

    15 420 bytes of CONST memory (+  34 absolute )





  • Hi Shlomi,

    Again, without posting your code this is just guessing.

    But, yes this can be an indication.


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