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MSP430G2553: Launchpad MSP-EXP439G2 - Hardware UART

Part Number: MSP430G2553


I am working with the MSP430G2553 and right now the MSP is on the Launchpad. I am using Hardware UART to connect the MSP to another device. Right now that is working just fine (I switched the jumpers on the Launchpad to enable Hardware UART).

However, in a later stage of the project I want to remove the Launchpad and put the MSP directly into my circuit.

My question: I still want to use Hardware UART when I remove the Lauchpad, is this possible just with the MSP or do I need Launchpad for Hardware UART?

I have already gone through the User's Guide of both MSP and Lauchpad, but could only find very little information about this.

Thank you for your help!


  • Hi!

    I understood this: you removed the "tx" and "rx" jumpers from the launchpad, attached two cables to the headers (the ones towards the MCU) and connected them to another UART TX/RX of a unknown device.

    if i'm correct, yes: you only need to correctly connect the uart lines on your PCB between the MSP and your device, so TX(msp)->RX(device) and vice-versa. Don't know if pull up is needed, i don't think so.


  • sorry I shoudl have given a little bit more deatils!

    I have put the UART TX and RX on pins P1.1 and P1.2. These pins are connected to a bluetooth module. On the Launchpad there are additional pins RXD and TXD for configuring UART (a littel bit above and right of the MSP430G2553). By default these jumpers are vertical, in order to enable Hardware UART I had to turn them horizontal. So far, everything works just fine.

    Not I want to remove the Launchpad and this leads me to my question: Is Hardware UART possible without the Launchpad?
    And if it is possible, why do I have to change the jumpers on order to enable Hardware UART?
  • If you want to connect an external (UART) device to P1.1/P1.2, you should remove the TXD/RXD jumpers entirely (as Mirco suggested). This will disconnect the USB side, more or less the equivalent of your non-Launchpad solution.

    The jumpers don't "configure" the port, they select a particular routing to the USB (backchannel UART). I'm rather surprised you succeeded without removing the jumpers, since the UART/USB device on the Launchpad will in general interfere with what you're doing.
  • Hello Markus,

    The jumper configuration on the launchpad is just there to lend different UART options between the MSP430G2553 and the eZ-FET Debugger on the Launchpad. It was needed in order to conform to Launchpad pin standards for the headers at the bottom of the board.

    When actually designing a board with the MSP430G2553 and another device on it, this configuration is not needed. Only correct cross connections between UART TX/RX between the devices wanting to communicate via the UART protocol.
  • Thank you! I just tested the programm without the jumpers and it worked just fine!

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