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MSP430F5438: MSP430F5438

Part Number: MSP430F5438
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC8531


We are using MSP430F5438 as host controller to configure Purepath IC CC8531 (slave).

The connection between MSP430 and CC8531 are 4 slave lines (MOSI, MISO, CSN, SCLK), Reset and Ground with shared power. We could able to program MSP430 only when CC8531 is powered ON. If CC8531 is OFF, we could not able to program / execute the code. Also we tried connecting debugger to MSP430, but connection is failed when CC8531 is OFF. Please let us know the cause of this problem?


Jeyaprakash K

  • Hello Jeyaprakash,
    according to your description the RST pin of the MSP430 is somehow connected to the CC8531 device, is this correct? What is happening to the RST signal in case you're not powering the CC8531. I would assume the clamping diode of the CC8531 in this case would pull the RST of the MSP430 low. This could be one of the possible reasons, as, keep in mind the RST is required for programming and debugging activities. This means the connected tool needs to be able applying the required high/low signals.

    Best regards
  • Hello Jeyaprakash,
    could you please give us an update on the status? In case you need further support on this, please let us know. If your problem is solved, please close the thread. Many thanks in advance.

    Best regards
  • Hello Peter,
    Thanks for your response and observed the same behavior you mentioned. It is fixed now. Thanks again.
    Jeyaprakash K

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