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Part Number: MSP430F6726
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6736, UNIFLASH

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hello Sir/madam,

Thanks TI forum for your support.

I am trying to develop a custom BSL for MSP430F6726/MSP430F6736.

I took sample source code from  (MSP430BSL_1_01_00_01\CCS_BSL_Source\CCS_v7_MSP430F522x_I2C)  

I used code memory to put custom BSL image. Attached(lnk_msp430f6736_bsl.cmd) is the custom command file for BSL project. Output BSL.txt file is generated.

I also have my project application image build for same part number and put it in different code memory location. Attached(lnk_msp430f6736.cmd) is the custom command file. Output App.txt is generated.

When i try to flash/program/write both output files into microcontroller memory at same time using UNIFLASH it was failed to write because there is conflict at memory location 0xFFD0.  Both the output files has some data to store at 0xFFD0 location which are interrupt vector addresses. If i write output files one after one the second file data is over writing the first one at 0xFFDO.

Both BSL project and my application project has I2C interrupt enabled. With the above scenario i will loose getting I2C interrupts in one of the projects.

To over come this scenario i configured my application project command file(attached as lnk_msp430f6736_Cust.cmd) to store Interrupt vector addresses from 0xFFA2 to 0xFFCE(this is reserved memory). I am not able to get interrupts.

Please suggest any solution for this issue. I want my Custom BSL code and application code to reside in code memory and both functional.




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