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Hi All,
We are facing some flashing related issue in a custom board of MSP430F5659. MCU flashed using MSP430 USB Firmware Upgrade V1.3.1, the TI-TXT file generated using CCS.
After Flashing it wont executing. We flashed the same using MSP-FET 430 JTAG in CCS but it works fine.
What might be the reasons for USB Firmware Upgrade wont work ?
Attaching the log of USB Firmware Upgrade :-
""" Starting
Password Sent Successfully
Sending RAM BSL v00.07.08.38
Done RAM BSL v00.07.08.38
Erasing memory segments
Sending C:\Users\name\Desktop\Application_test2.txt
Firmware Sent
Verifying memory
Memory successfully verified
Total programming time is 2s
Resetting Device...
Starting application
Done! """
Is the issue related to Boot Loader Version ? How can flash the Boot Loader to MCU ?
If the Boot Loader version changed can it reverted to old version ?
While Flashing Boot Loader , if a power failure is occurred can we revert it to back ?
Kindly Help !
Hi Renjith,
Your version of MSP430 USB Firmware Upgrade (V1.3.1) is too old. Please download the latest MSP430 USB Developers Package and try the strongly recommended Python-based MSP430 USB Firmware Upgrade (V3.1). You can find it at the path:
Meanwhile, please also make sure the USB BSL is correctly invoked.
Hi Philo ,
Thank You for your quick response.. Now flashing is works fine and executed for one time only.
If i reset or power off the MCU, then it wont work again ..!
Help please !
Hi Renjith,
So the USB BSL is actually working well. It sounds like the code is lost after power-off. Please check the following:
1. If you program the MSP430 with MSP-FET in CCS, and then also power-off, does it work after that?
2. Check if your code is correctly allocated in the non-volatile memory (Flash) area.
3. If necessary, maybe you can upload your whole CCS project so that I could take a look and identify the possible problems.
RELAY_CONTROL.zipHi Philo Tang
1) It works fine if it flashed using MSP-FET in CCS.
2) It works on default setting of CCS, I didn't change any. How to properly allocate code in Flash area?
3) I am using a simple program for testing this, just toggele a GPIO pin. I am also uploading the CCS project.
Hi Renjith,
Your code is allocated in Flash by default. I suppose that is not our main issue now.
If it doesn't even work in CCS, then please check where does the program go. It might be unable to get out of the do-while loop, which probably means that XT2 is actually not working.
It would be also helpful if you can check the content of UCSCTL7 and SFRIFG1 registers.
Hi Renjith,
Hardware issues could be various and I am sorry that I cannot offer more help online. I could only suggest you debug with comparison. Be bold to try different configurations and try to focus on the differences between the configuration that makes things work and other configurations that don't work.
For example, try to restore your code to the version that worked. Then try to run it in CCS step by step. Observe the value of configured registers and see if everything is as expected.
Please kindly try more and let me know if you have new findings. Still, the best approach would be to get a TI board for tests in comparison with your custom board.
P.S. it might be helpful to check the difference between your custom board and TI official target board.
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