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[FAQ] MSP430G2452: 430BOOST-SENSE1 GUI Installation

Part Number: MSP430G2452

TI Friends & Family,

There are many previous threads such as this one, that discuss the 430BOOST-SENSE1 GUI installation:

Most underlying questions surround how to get the GUI.exe working.  While TI has since released better Capacitive Touch MCUs and corresponding GUI tools (such as the CapTIvate Design Center, many still desire to get the older 430BOOST-SENSE1 board working alongside the GUI.

Here are some additional steps to be followed (note the MSP Touch Pro GUI installation reference):

- As noted previously, please install the latest Java support.  V1.8 is preferred.  You can enter java -version at a Windows cmd prompt if you do not know if or what version you have installed locally

-Please follow the installation steps found in the 430BOOST-SENSE1 User Guide here:  

- Please also install the 430 Touch Pro GUI prior (this will help to enable various Windows DLLs and such required for the BOOST GUI also)

-Windows7 is supported.  This has been tested on many such Win7 machines, including Dell laptops and desktops.

Some users may still experience installation issues thus preventing the GUI from operating.  Lastly, a try on another machine is worth the time and effort.  Simply copying and installing the MSP-EXP430G2 Software Examples and MSP Touch Pro software should enable the CapTouch_BoosterPack_UserExperience GUI once and for all!

Good luck,


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