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I have programmed the msp430g2553 using energia,
Now I need to BSL this program for MSP430G2553
How can I do this,Is their a way to do this, please help me to over come this.
Thank you,
Best regards
I wrote a vbs script for Windows that converts a simple HEX file to TI-TXT. It doesn't work for everything, but maybe worth a try.
Left-click on the filename, right-click on RAW, then Save Link As. Github insists on saving it as a .txt file, but just change it to .vbs.
The script only works for the 64K memory space, and only with the "Data" record type (00 as the fourth byte after the ":")
If the HEX file has other values in that position, there may be no TI-TXT translation.
If you have a link to the HEX file, I'd be happy to take a look at it. Or post it here if it's not too long.
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