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Part Number: MSP432P401R
Hi Team,
My application is using the MSP432P401R and has critical timing that relies on the stability of the 32.768KHz crystal oscillator.
The issue is that on some of my PCBs I experiencing degraded performance which is related to fluctuations in the oscillation frequency.
Running the system (same PCB and software) with an external TCXO shows good performance. This leads me to believe the issue is indeed crystal related.
I have also examined the ACLK output on P4.2. Frequency fluctuations are clearly visible relative to the external TCXO case. (ACLK source is LFXT, see code below).
The issue is observed in the following way: Every 512 ACLKs the MSP432 sends indication (by using the RTC). The exact times at which the indication is sent is registered with an external sampler. The fluctuation is reflected by deviation of tens of microseconds
Now, when working with an external TCXO there is absolutely no issue and the indication times are exactly as expected. However, when switching to LFXT operation, immediately the logged indication times are fluctuating.
I have already tried the following but without any improvements:
§ Adding additional bypass capacitance (4.7uF,22uF and 47uF) to the AVCC inputs (C134&C142 below).
§ Different LC or RC filtering combinations for AVCC.
§ Powering DVCC and AVCC from an external lab power supply (very clear power supply)
§ Different crystals from different brands with lower ESR values:
o ECS-.327-CDX-1293
o ECS-.327-12.5-34R-C-TR
o Q 0,032768-JTX310-12,5-10-T1-HMR-50K-LF
§ Changing the crystal drive level.
§ Shutting down any active components on the PCB except the MSP432 itself to make sure no noise is coupled to the crystal traces.
Any help and suggestions on how can I further tackle this issue will be appreciated.
Clocks initialization code MSP432P401R.msg
Do you have some PCBs which do not exhibit the fluctuation? Is it possible to swap the crystal(s) to see if the issue remains with the CPU or Crystal? Can you significantly change your application or run an example application to determine if there is any loading on the CPU that is impacting the crystal/oscillator performance? When looking at P4.2 is there any indication that the noise fluctuation is periodic or does it look like thermal noise?
Thank you for the information. I will ask my colleague to also comment.
Since the issue appears to stay with the CPU after swapping, I would like to focus on the configuration specifically the internal regulator and the RTC peripheral. If you are using the DC-DC converter can you switch to the LDO. Which Vcore are you using? Low Power mode? If you are not using the low power can you move away from the RTC and use the timerA to see if the issue is related to the RTC?
I did some power measurements and was able to see the RTC rollover in the power profile. Not sure if this is impacting your setup but might be worth looking into.
Hi Chris,
I have configured the MSP to operate from LDO, using VCORE1 (since the CPU clock frequency is 48MHz), without entering any low power modes. I haven’t noticed any changes in my fluctuation measurements.
Changing the RTC to TimerA is problematic at this stage.
What did you mean by “RTC rollover in the power profile”? Can you elaborate on that?
I received feedback from my colleague and his comment is that the LFXT is not intended to be accurate from cycle to cycle but to provide long term stability over a 1 second time frame. With that said, since you do not see any changes when using the LDO and a consistent power mode, I am inclined to thing there is a different issue.
Regarding the RTC profile, I was wanting to see if the jitter was conicident with the Q7 found in the RTC registers RT0PS or RT1PS.
Would your HW setup support running any of the basic examples? If so, then perhaps I can put together a simple example with the timer to rule out the RTC.
Hi Chris,
I have done some more measurement of ACLK and RTCCLK and I keep seeing the same phenomenon:
Every once in a while an RTCCLK cycle deviates by ~30us, but nothing unusual is observed on the ACLK. Since they are both sourced from the LFXT this should lead to the conclusion that the RTC is at fault. However, RTCCLK looks good when the crystal is replaced with an external oscillator, which leads to the conclusion that the crystal is to blame and not the RTC.
How can this be explained? Perhaps the ACLK has some extra filtering in its path which make it less susceptible to crystal noise? Is it possible that a faulty LFXT clock will cause issues with RTCCLK but not with ACLK?
Any help on the matter will be appreciated,
I do not have any good leads at this time. The RTC is fed through BCLK without any divider while ACLK has a divider after the mux. When you use the TCXO is the LFXT in bypass mode?
I will need to confirm, but typically there is a startup filter that counts the number of valid pulses before the LFXT signal is sourced to the system clocks (ACLK, SMCLK, etc). I do not know if BCLK is considered part of the system clocks or a specific clock for the RTC. If a different filter where applied, then I would only expect you to see issues at startup.
This is a lot of great information an feedback that I can provide to the team to further investigate the differences between ACLK and BCLK.
Hi Chris,
I have some more findings after performing tests on a sample of 40 PCBs:
§ The issue occurs in ~12% of the PCBs.
§ In some PCBs the clock can fluctuate both ways. I.e. 1sec as measured by the RTC can last 1s+30µsec or 1s-30µsec.
§ Unlike stated previously, low power mode does have an effect:
On some PCBs, when the MSP432 remains in active mode and does not enter LPM3, the observed RTC fluctuations are less frequent.
Note that the problem is still there, however it is not as prominent.
Can the switching between different power modes cause disruptions on the RTC clock?
Have you had any luck with reproducing the issue?
Hi Chris,
Did you available for a conference call to discussing the issues? You can send me mail to
Can you confirm when using the TCXO that the LFXT oscillator is not in bypass mode (LFXTBYPASS = 0)? Are you using the RTC offset calibration, which removes or adds a clock every quarter second?
Is there an RTCOIFG at any time during the operation, either through the entering/exiting of LPM, or just during operation? Specifically, is the RTCOFIFG without and LFXTIFG?
Chris Hello,
Shlomi is OOO for vacation, so I'll continue the correspondence, please find the customer response below:
1. When using the external TCXO we purposely set the LFXT to bypass mode (LFXTBYPASS = 1). Shouldn’t we?
2. We are not using RTC offset calibration.
3. The RTCOFIFG is not set at any time (always ‘0’).
Please advise back, thanks in advance
Thank you for the additional information.
Yes, the LFXT should be in bypass mode when using with the TCXO. Since you are not using offset calibration
and not seeing faults, I do not think there is a setup issue.
The MSP432P401R datasheet does not include any parameters regarding the LFXT performance except to list
criteria about the input requirements of the crystal and the power performance. This means I cannot request
additional resources to help with this case. I can only provide suggestions which I believe might help but
cannot guarantee any performance outside of the datasheet.
Other considerations:
Shlomi mentioned in a previous email that experiments were conducted to increase the pybass capacitance on
AVCC, but since there is now evidence that low power mode switching has an impact, I would recommend revisiting
this and including the DVCC rail.
Is the REFO clock source acceptable in terms of tolerance and immune to the bursts you are
Hi Chris,
Unfortunately the issue remains unsolved.
Perhaps there is some correlation to AVCC/DVCC decoupling but increasing bypass capacitance doesn’t solve the issue.
Using the REFO is not an option since we require at least 10ppm frequency tolerance.
Currently, our only option is to use an external oscillator.
I think it may be helpful if TI tries to reproduce the problem. As described previously, we observed the clock fluctuations by simply sampling the RTCCLK output.
The problem is observed on approximately 12% of our boards.
I am still concerned there is an internal component which is unknown. As you previously described this fluctuation is not seen on ACLK, only BCLK. If you still want to pursue decoupling, then I would recommend separating the AVCC and DVCC power rails with either a low impedance resistor or ferrite bead.
There is no specification for BCLK nor RTC, so I cannot test/characterize the device to determine if the device is violating the specification. This severely limits what I can do from a support standpoint. I will elevate this issue.
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