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MSP430FR2310: MSP430 for HDQ read of Gas Gauge

Part Number: MSP430FR2310
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ27541

TI Taiwan had indicated there is HQD code for the MSP430.


               However, when the software team checked the HDQ sample code, it found the Timer needs the SCCI bit.

                              Only Timer_A can support the SCCI bit.   Attached the slaa196 with details.




Our “Problem” the MSP430FR2310 we chose only has the Timer_B.

               Our first boards have been released.


So Please would you help?


1)     Is there HDQ code to support Timer_B?


2)     Is there a MSP430 with Time_A that matches the MSP430FR2310IRGY’s 16pin VQFN foot print?


3)     Any other ideas to keep same board?


4)     If not solution for same board, what part would be best to read gas gauge using the HDQ interface?


a.      This is the only function for which we are using the MSP430.


  • Hi Sarah

    What's the meaning of HDQ?

    Does the HDQ code provide from TI? Could you share it to me?

    I can't open your attached picture, could you please sand it again?

    Do you have the gas gauge 's specification? I want to see the communication protocol with it.

    Best regards


  • HDQ is single-pin serial interface used in TI's gas gauge such as the BQ27541.  The BQ27541 discusses the protocol.

    Picture is from page 2 of TI SLAA196 app note.

  • Hey Sarah,

    I wanted to address your questions:

    1.  There is currently no software examples of implementing HDQ with Timer_B, but it should be doable.  

    2.  I was not able to find any matching MSP430 with a Timer A. 

    3.  HDQ Could be implemented on Timer B, but will require some CPU bandwidth with an ISR.  The benefit of the SCCI bit was that the timer could fully handle the HDQ interface with no burden on the CPU. 

    Also, most BQ parts have an I2C interface as well as HDQ.  Does this happen to be already connected on the board?  Could this interface be used instead?  

    4.   I don't have a direct recommendation right now.  If I2C is an option on the chosen BQ device, that might be more straight forward.

    Hope this helps.  I'll also reach out directly to follow up. 



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