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Part Number: MSP-EXP430F5529
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Hello everyone
i sent a .txt file via xbee which is connected to PC to another xbee
my question is how to receive this .txt file via another xbee which is connected with MSP430F5529 "The MSP430F5529 will just read this file and save it to another location on my pc "
Hey Beso,
I have a few questions I'm hoping you could answer:
1. Do you have the MSP430F5529 communicating with the xbee board?
2. What specific xbee board are you using? Can you point me to any documentation for that board?
Hello Mitch,
i have one xbee module connected with pc by usb
the another xbee module connected with MSP430F5529 using uart (P3.4 AND P3.3)
I Wrote a code to send char from MSP430F5529 and received it in XCTU. it workes fine
BUT i have no experience how to receive files and read it in micro-controllers and resend it to pc via xbee
Hey Beso,
The way I would approach this is by sending the .txt file byte by byte from the PC to the MSP. You have established communication between the MSP and PC (which is great!) so now let's figure out how to store the file to the MSP.
One thing we need to know is how to write data to specific locations in the flash memory. We have code examples that demonstrate how to do this! These examples can be found by opening CCS and going to View > Resource Explorer. Then in Resource explorer, navigate to Software > MSP430Ware > Devices > MSP430F5XX_6XX > MSP430F5529 > Peripheral Examples > Register Level. Here you will find the MSP430F55xx_flashwrite_0x.c code examples. These examples will show you how to write data to specific places in flash memory.
So the overall approach would be:
1. Send data byte of .txt file from PC xbee to MSP xbee
2. Once MSP xbee receives data byte, transmit data byte from xbee to MSP via UART
3. In UART interrupt, write the received data byte to flash memory (this is where the code examples will be useful)
4. Repeat for the rest of the .txt data bytes
To send the file back to the PC, you will point to the flash memory location of the .txt data and send it back to the xbee via UART. This will also be done byte by byte.
Hope this helps!
Hello Mitch ,
i really appreciate your kidness
My .txt file contents (JACK)
i wrote the following code and i opened the XCTU software to show the received data on xbee which is connected to PC but the monitor shows (JCK) the letter A was deleted
i don't know my mistake
and please do you know if it is possible (when sending the file back to the PC save it as .txt file like on desktop directory )?
#pragma vector=USCI_A0_VECTOR
__interrupt void USCI_A0_ISR(void)
unsigned long * Flash_ptrD; // Initialize Flash pointer Seg D
Flash_ptrD = (unsigned long *) 0x1800; // Initialize Flash pointer
while (!(UCA0IFG&UCRXIFG)); // USCI_A0 RX buffer ready?
FCTL3 = FWKEY; // Clear Lock bit
FCTL1 = FWKEY+ERASE; // Set Erase bit
*Flash_ptrD = 0; // Dummy write to erase Flash seg
FCTL1 = FWKEY+BLKWRT; // Enable long-word write
*Flash_ptrD =UCA0RXBUF; // Write to Flash
FCTL1 = FWKEY; // Clear WRT bit
while (!(UCA0IFG&UCTXIFG)); // USCI_A0 RX buffer ready?
UCA0TXBUF = * Flash_ptrD;
Hi Beso,
I'm not sure why your 'A' didn't get transmitted. I would maybe try sending a .txt file of only 'A' or a string of multiple 'A's.
Saving the data in a .txt format is something that will be handled on the PC side. You could open a terminal program on the PC to show the MSP data being sent, and then save it as a .txt file. Or if you want to have a more automated solution, you could set a script to do this.
Hi Mitch,
Thanks for your help
I think there is missing bytes when retransmit the data
I tried to send another string like “hello world “
But it wasn’t retransmitted correctly the monitor shows “ wrld” just
I don’t know what’s the matter
Should i add checksum??
Hi Beso,
It might be worth checking the data being sent directly from the MSP (before it gets to the xbee) to make sure it's consistently sending the correct data. Once this is confirmed, I would double check the requirements of the xbee side. For example, is the MSP sending the data to the xbee at the baudrate required by the xbee?
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