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The ROM Bootloader on our MSP432E401Y based target system is being invoked through a HW pin or an empty application flash. This seems to work as expected. However after sending the the autobaud characters (0x55 twice), we get a strange ACK sequence that is being preceded with a 0x00 character. At the moment I am not sure if the baudrate detection algo has a problem or the documentation is not the correct one (SLAU746A)? Any hint or help on how to continue would be appreciated. We are not using BSL Rocket in between. We use a USB-to-Serial cable instead. Is this a problem?
Magenta is the signal measured on the IO PIN UART0 Rx (Input)
Blue is the signal measured on the IO Pin UART0 Tx (Output). The response looks like 0x00 0xCC (an ACK with 0x00 preceded?)
Hello Marcus,
I will have to try this out. I can try this on Friday and report my results.
Hi Sai,
thank you. We wait until Friday. In the meantime I did some more tests. Also using UniFlash the behavior is the same. Next I did try to use another serial terminal program to further explore the root cause. While lowering the baudrate to 9600 nothing changes. As you can see from the screenshot. The reply from the MSP432E401Y is as described eralier 0x00 0xCC. Strange.
Some more info for Sai,
I did check the examples in the SDK and yes it shall xmit two octets, the first being 0x00, then the ACK (0xCC). Therefore there is nothing special about it. What is special is the fact, that the answer from the target is not being notified within the UniFlash tool. However the answer is being sent and can be scoped and can be received using another terminal program. Therefore I assume the 'magic' has to do with the UniFlash utility. I am using the version There is maybe another version that has to be used on the W10 host together with the MSP432E01Y.
The picture below shows part of the UniFlash settings. It is being used in 'verbose' mode showing the two octets being sent from the Host for autobaud recognition. When I try to download the image from the TI-CCS (V9.1...) I get a timeout notification from the UniFlash utility saying no repsonse from the target, the seond image.
Hi Sai,
any news on this topic? We need to be able to download using the delivered ROM BSL from TI. On the target I couldn't not detect a problem. However on the PC-host (W10) UniFlash is not detecting the reply from the target after issueing the sync pattern to the target.
Hello Markus,
Apologize for the delay in getting back!
I had tried this and I was able to use UART0 connected to XDS110 (on the MSP432E4 LaunchPad) with BSL Scripter. The following forum post has the details:
Hope this helps!
Hi Sai,
thank you for doing the testing. However it does not work. As I did point out in various of my previous posts. I do get the response from the target after the autobaud command. The target is the MSP432E401Y. The BSL-Scripter Tool is saying "No response bytes received from BSL!". When I '"mimic" the behavior of the Scripter-Tool with a terminal program that is able to send binary characters for autobaud recognition the terminal program is able to receive the response from the target. Therefore the signal chain is operating correctly. For the time being I have no idea of what to do next besides starting to debug the BSL-Scripter Source on the PC ...
Hi Markus,
when we send the auto baud rate, the BSL will replay with 0x00 0xCC. I haven't tried the hardware invoke on my end, but the empty device should invoke the bootloader when you power cycle / reset the device.
Could you try to mass erase the device under CCS / IDE that you are using?
Dear Fatmawati Santosa,
you are right and I get the reply you mentioned above as well. I tried to dive deeper setting up MSVS Community Edition in order to debug the BSL-Scripter. I actually find, that the following code never returns. After the timer expires an exception is thrown and the application on the host PC (BSL-Scripter.exe) terminates. Therefore for the moment I am a little despereate, since I can see that the response bytes 0x00+0xCC are in the reception buffer, but since the function is not returning it dies and the program terminates ...
bool UartCommE4xx::waitReceive(uint16_t offset, size_t numBytes) <<<--- never returns ...
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
async_read(port, boost::asio::buffer(&rxUartBuffer[offset], numBytes),
bind(&UartCommE4xx::onRead, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error,
if (!readError)
return !readError;
My Command file for the BSL-Scripter:
MODE E4xx COM16 UART 115200
RX_DATA_BLOCK_32 blinky_MSP_EXP432E401Y_nortos_ccs.txt
One more thing,
if I modify the code within of the method calling waitReceive such as it would not be on _WIN32 I get the following and this looks more promissing. Therefore something is wrong within the waitReceive method ...
I expect the author of the BSL-Scripter to fix it asap. I can't do this since I do not fully understand the concept of this code.
Oh it seems that one of the images (VS2017 Debug Session) is missing in the post above. What I made to at least let the BSL-Scripter Tool connect to the ROM BSL target over UART0 was the following. File is UartE4xxComm.cpp line 349 ...
Original (from Github)
std::vector<uint8_t>* UartCommE4xx::receiveBuffer(int32_t size)
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
while (waitReceive(0, size)); <<< ---- removed the while loop here, since the return value never returns something to proceed in the code.
waitReceive(0, size);
{ |
Dear TI support,
I want you to verify why the method below is written in such a way. In my view this is not necessary since waitReceive itself is blocking until a timeout occurs or data have been received. For us it is important to have the BSL Scripter up and running for the MSP432E401Y on UART0 using a simple USB2Serial Cable containing an FTDI chip for example. Why is there while loop for the windows version of waitReceive ? (BSL-Scripter source code)
std::vector<uint8_t>* UartCommE4xx::receiveBuffer(int32_t size)
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
while (waitReceive(0, size));
waitReceive(0, size);
if (needGetStatus)
//Send status
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
//Get status
//Send host ACK
needGetStatus = false;
return &rxUartBuffer;
Hi Markus,
Thank you for your patience. I just wanted to leave a note to let you know that we have not forgotten about you and are continuing to find a solution to this issue.
Thank you for your patience. Please bear with us as we try to provide feedback by the end of this week at the latest.
Hi Markus,
apologized for late response. There are couple of things to be clarified here, this might be a bit long to follow :)
let us know if you still face problem.
Dear Seong,
in our application we are using just a very common and standard UART bridge. This is completely outside of any internal debugger tool. Take one from Mouser/Digikey for example a cable from FTDI. I do not agree with your work around. It might work in your setup, I don't know. However there is a much deeper problem in the Scripter BSL application itself that prevents this application from operating as expected with the MSP432E401Y BSL. I did download the source code and also had to download 0.5(!) GB of the C++ library source in order to debug and understand on a PC what as going on. Finally I could isolate the problem in the UartComm MSP E4xx functions. I am not on my working desk. That's why I can not tell exactly which file name it is. Anyway to make a long story short I had to recode the transmit ans receive function for the PC application, since it has a SW bug that prevents it from every leaving the inner loop once a character has been sent or received. After fixing it, it works now on different places with different PC's using Windows 7 and 10 OS. There was no need to change anything in the command file for the scripter the way you made a proposal for.
You can close this ticket.
Thank you for the update. I will relay this information to our BSL team.
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