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MSP430F1611: use of usart0 for i2c and usart1 for uart simultaneously

Part Number: MSP430F1611


I am trying to use the USART0 for I2C communication and USART1 for UART communication simultaneously in a MSP430F1611 microcontroller. I2C and UART independently works fine, but when i try to configure both at the same time, neither the UART nor the I2C works. The I2C master raises the arbitration lost flag.

Is there a special configuration procedure to work with the UART and I2C simultaneously ? Also, the USART0 and USART1 are in the same port with different pins.

A suggestion would be of great help to me, Thanks in advance !

  • Each serial module has its own control registers. Assuming that each module is correctly configured, you should be good to go. Make sure you're not stepping on module 0's config when you're trying to configure module 1.

  • As Mike recommended, you need to make sure that one module's initialization code is not interfering with the other one. The fact that they both work independently of each other would lead me to believe that there is some sort of corruption of the first module's configuration.

    Best regards,


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