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I used to use msp430-uif to easily flash msp430f477 controllers using Lite FET-Pro430, and everything was fine.
but today I bought your MSP-FET (black) - and nothing works.
I solved the problem with the device driver.
h ttp://
the question is how to flash the controller.
in the program Lite FET-Pro430 Elprotronic - there is no programmer at all.
h ttp://
in the program FlashPro430 Elprotronic - also there is not a single programmer.
h ttp://
why the programmer is not displayed in the program ???
what program to me to flash controllers ???
I am glad that you have updated your programmer to the latest MSP-FET version. In order to successfully program our device portfolio, I would recommend using Uniflash Programmer for your MCU flashing needs because this SW is continuously updated by TI to support the latest HW and devices.
Best regards,
1) connect device
2) start uniflash ... waiting scan device
3) Click - button "Start"
4) Click - Browse
5) Search file - open (EVERY PROGRAM START!!!) program cant remember last file
6) Click button "Load Image"
7) Click button "Verify"
FET-Pro430 Elprotronic
1) connect device
2) start Lite FET-Pro430
3) click button "AUTO PROG"
All program settings, firmware file, etc. are saved from the previous session. Auto prog - will automatically erase check, write firmware and check firmware.
the question is which program is the best and which is dumb (answer: FET-Pro430 Elprotronic), but this programmer now does not work with it.
4 simple buttons instead of your 7 (which should be repeated every time)
and now an even more interesting question is how to read the controller firmware:
FET-Pro430 Elprotronic
1) connect device
2) start Lite FET-Pro430
3) click button "Read"
4) click button "save"
and I see ALL the controller firmware in a convenient readable form.
0xFFD0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 20 32 2E 30 03 09 20 19 | ........ 2.0.. .
I can use standard search to find specific bytes or information
1) connect device
2) start uniflash ... waiting scan device
3) Click - button "Start"
4) Click - Memory
5) Click button "Read Target Device" - wait......
6) i can see I see ONLY a small part of the controller memory. in order for me to see some more memory - I need to press the "Load more" button - I can see another little piece of code. and in order to see the previous data, I also need to press the button "Load more" and wait for the time to see the previous code page.
data search in the code - impossible at all !!
to get to the code 0xFFD0 you need to press the button "Load more" 100-200 times.
it’s good if I know the address of the code, and if I don’t know the location of the part of the code I need, this stupid program is completely useless!
Now let's look at the data at 0xFFD0 - and there is not that data that I was looking for - because the dvn are presented in the reverse form LD-Md - and now you need to look not at the normal date 03092019 - but the idiotic entry 09031920 - "very convenient"
7) Now try to save the firmware - click export - and here you can select the binary file - you need to specify the address of the start of the firmware, you need to know the exact size of the firmware. how do I know all this if for example it’s not my device.
be sure to specify the location to save the file otherwise the program will save everything in an unknown path.
8) ok. click generate.
and we get a binary file - for viewing which we need ONE MORE PROGRAM hex-editor.
the data in the binary file is not tied to addresses and if the starting address does not match 0x00, then you will never find data at the address you need.
Now let's see the result of the old program:
here there is an address and data and data are recorded exactly in the order in which they should be.
4 simple buttons instead of your 8 (which should be repeated every time) and get nothing!
conclusion 1) the new program - stupid and useless - all that I used to do in 2-3 clicks - now requires 2-3 minutes.
conclusion 2) the programmer is idiotic - because it does not work with the old program.
conclusion 3) I spent my money on what is impossible to work with! I can’t return it - since he is a worked. impossible to use it!
conclusion 4) Now I need to spend more money to find and buy a normal programmer MSP-FET430UIF
and this one will simply lie on a shelf or in a recycle bin or in the fire of a fireplace.
Your complaints are well received and I appreciate you spelling out your feedback in detail. I will be sure to pass this feedback along to the CCS/Uniflash team so that they can keep these recommendations in mind for a future revision. I agree with you that the "MCU Read" functionality on the FET-Pro430 Elprotronic software is very user friendly and being able to read and export code in an "easy to read" TI-TXT format would be a nice feature for Uniflash.
Now to address your concerns regarding the FET-Pro430 Elprotronic software compatibility with the MSP-FET. The FET-Pro430 Elprotronic software is compatible with the MSP-FET and I was just able to confirm that on my end by loading and reading a program to and from an MSP430 MCU. I'm not sure what the issue you are running into is on using the GUI to flash your device but it should be possible. You will want to make sure that the GUI programming settings are correct (SBW vs. 4-wire JTAG, MCU selection, etc...) and that the EVM headers are positioned in a way to support the selected programming method. The FET-Pro430 Elprotronic software is owned, created, and maintained by Elprotronic so you can visit their website for additional support using their software.
The MSP-FET is compatible with all MSP430 programming SW (i.e. CCS, Uniflash, IAR, FET-Pro430, etc.) and I hope you are able to put it to good use.
Best regards,
I was able to again confirm on my end that the Target Connection / Reset Option window identifies my MSP-FET on the same COM port that my Device Manager assigns it:
The fact that your MSP-FET is recognized by the Device Manager, works in Uniflash, but doesn't work in FET-Pro430 Lite would suggest that the issue is on the Elprotronic GUI side. ( Here is an E2E post which explains how some customers contact Elprotronic for techincal support) In order to confirm that we are using the same GUI version, I've provided a screenshot of the "About Flash Programmer" window of my FET-Pro430 Lite SW:
Are you able to confirm that you are using a version that is the same or newer?
Best regards,
That may be the cause of the problem you are experiencing. The older version you are using might not be compatible with the latest MSP-FETs. You might want to consider updating to the latest version of FET-Pro430 Lite so that you have the latest SW, device, and HW support.
as i say - "and last version from site 5.6-7"
i try FlashPro-430 and GangPro-430 ver5.67
MSP-FET is missing.
If I am understanding you correctly, you are using GangPro-430 ver5.67 and FlashPro-430 ver3.1. Is that correct?
Sorry for the misunderstanding we are having but I am trying to determine if you have the latest version of FlashPro-430 Lite which is ver3.4:
Best regards,
I have not heard back from you in a few days, are there any updates on whether you were able to confirm that you are using the latest version of FlashPro-430 Lite which is ver3.4: ?
Best regards,
I am going to go ahead and mark this thread as "TI Thinks Resolved" due to inactivity. If there is more support needed please feel free to comment back and provide further detail regarding your testing.
Best regards,
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