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MSP430F1121A: Using higher frequency than 32.768 kHz in LF mode

Part Number: MSP430F1121A


The question: Can the MSP430F1121A accept a higher crystal frequency than 32.768 kHz when in LF mode (XTS=0)?

Back story:

I am using a 38.4 kHz watch crystal with MSP430F1121AIPW. I am using the crystal as a frequency source for the internal timer to operate a software UART at 2400 bps. For higher baud rates, I would like to increase the watch crystal frequency. Is there an upper limit for this MSP430 when using a watch crystal (when XTS=0). I am considering using 76.8 kHz or 96 kHz. The datasheet does not specify a "min" or "max" for the watch crystal frequency.

The 38.4 kHz watch crystal has been used for years in an existing product for a client. A recent update to the radio module that it communicates with via UART (which is going end-of-life) requires bumping up the baud rate to 9600 bps. I would like to increase the watch crystal frequency to 76.8 or 96 kHz.

(I realize that I could use a 1.8432 MHz or 3.6864 MHz crystal in the high-frequency mode (XTS=1), but that requires a different footprint on the PCB and room that we have not accounted for, and boards have already been fabbed and assembled.)

Thank you for your help!

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