I had a question for you. I’m looking for a low power MCU with the following requirements, the needs are highlighted and in order of priority, the rest of them are flexible.
- Standby Mode with RTC on: ~1uA
- Cost: >5K < $2.50 ; >100K < $1
- 48-pin package
-Package size: <=7x7mm2 (10x10mm2 max if cannot meet this constraint and all others)
-FLASH Memory: 200KB
-SRAM Memory: 32KB
-GPIOs : >26 < 40
-DAC 12-bit
-ADC min. 2
-When in shutdown mode, have wake up from external signal
Also, on the BGA type package for these MCUs, do you know if there are constraints required from the layout standpoint? Trace width, spacing, blind vias, etc.