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MSP430FR2153: MSP430FR2153 no TEST os RESET from MSP-FET on CCS10.2.0. The '2155 does give signals .

Part Number: MSP430FR2153
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET, MSP430FR2155

Hi Folks,

I have 2 boards with MSP430FR2153 and both say "Target must be connected before loading program". I monitored the spy bi-wire test and reset with a scope and see no signals.

Yet when I select MSP430FR2155 it says (correctly) that the wrong micro is connected. Also it gives very active TEST & RESET signals. So it looks like the '2153 is not working with CCS10.2/MSP-FET.

My MSP-FET is just over a year old and I am running CCS10.2 on Mac OS Catalina.

The way forward will be to get some '2155 chips or perhaps an old version of CCS, but this looks like a genuine CCS10 bug to me?

Thanks for any assistance?


  • Robert Brown66 said:
    I have 2 boards with MSP430FR2153 and both say "Target must be connected before loading program".

    That can happen if the "Connect to the target on debugger startup" option in the Debug Project Properties isn't ticked:

    The "Connect to the target on debugger startup" should be ticked by default when a project is created.

  • Thanks Chester,

    It now gives the spy bi-wire signals! It was "Connect to the target on debugger startup" that was the problem. This is not the default setting.

    But, it now says "Trouble writinig memory block at address 0x1000 on page 0 of length 0x6". This looks like its trying to write a locked area, so I will start searching for previous threads on the problem.

  • Robert Brown66 said:
    But, it now says "Trouble writinig memory block at address 0x1000 on page 0 of length 0x6". This looks like its trying to write a locked area, so I will start searching for previous threads on the problem.

    Address 0x1000 in a MSP430FR2153 is the start of the BSL0 memory region.

    According to MSP430™ FRAM Devices Bootloader (BSL) the BSL on FRAM devices is stored in ROM and therefore can't be modified.

    Why is the program attempting to write to address 0x1000?

  • This was ported from another chip.

    After changing info memory addressing and setting Erase Options > Erase main and information memory it now works!

    I can now use the boards here and proceed to write some new software, and I closed off the thread.



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