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MSP430F2013: Influence for QFN pad open

Part Number: MSP430F2013

Hello expert,

our customer asked a question regarind the QFN pad for MSP430F2013,

They know TI recommedens to connect this pin to GND, but if this pin becomes open,

what kind of the risk they need to consider?  Also, does TI have experience to have any issue by this pin opened?

Regards, A.Fujinaka

  • Hi A.Fujinaka,

    Based on the description on the user guide chapter 8.2.8.

    "Unused I/O pins should be configured as I/O function, output direction, and left unconnected on the PC board, to prevent a floating input and reduce power consumption. The value of the PxOUT bit is irrelevant, since the pin is unconnected. Alternatively, the integrated pullup/pulldown resistor can be enabled by setting the PxREN bit of the unused pin to prevent the floating input. See the System Resets, Interrupts, and Operating Modes chapter for termination of unused pins."

    It only mentioned you should keep the unused pin unconnected on the PC board. So it should not be a issue whether you connect the unused pin to the ground.

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

  • Hello,

    This is not the general unused I/O pin related question but the QFN pad  quetsion.

    The Page8 of DS ( shows as follows,,

    QFN package pad.:  Connection to VSS is recommended

    This device DS also refers, it described as bellow

    "The construction of the exposed pad enables enhanced thermal and electrical characteristics. To take full

    advantage of this feature, the pad must be physically connected to the PCB substrate with solder."

    We recognized this QFN pin recommended to connect to GND.

    What kind of risk are there if  the QFN pin removed from the GND even though TI recommended to connect to GND, 



  • Hi A.Fujinaka,

    Okay. The QFN pad is mostly used for heat dissipation and provide a strength connection to the board. It shouldn't be a problem if you don't connect to the GND.

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

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