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Using the code below I load, run in debug mode in CCS-8. I run the scripter. I get numerous NACK returns and upon power cycle the MSP430FR2355 runs the code previously loaded, not the new code loaded thru the BSL scripter.
#include <msp430.h>
int main(void)
// Clock Configuration
// Stop Watch Dog Timer
// Configure one FRAM wait state as required by the device data sheet for MCLK
// operation beyond 8MHz _before_ configuring the clock system.
__bis_SR_register(SCG0); // disable FLL
CSCTL1 = DCORSEL_3;// DCO Range = 8MHz
CSCTL2 = FLLD_0 + 243; // DCOCLKDIV = 8MHz
__bic_SR_register(SCG0); // enable FLL
// Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode to activate
// previously configured port settings
((void (*)() )0x1000)();
Can you help me find the referenced files? I open that link and it looks like the standard non-FR code. I went through every link.
I am not sure about the wait state. There are two of us working on this issue and Wes might have taken some advice somewhere to include the wait state. I have tried it with just this simple CC8 startup code without results. I think this would be running at the default clock speed, just as if it was invoked with hardware. I will try to figure out the waitstate thing and try it both ways, also with an 8MHz clock.
We have just the standard FET probe. I've tried it with and without thinking that the TEST line or RESET was interfering.
I have to setup again, but I guess Wes mentioned the Nacks. There are no Nacks, just the absence of any data coming back.
I'm attempting to build a linkable version of this - any ides where I can find this file for the MSP430FR2355?
#include "BSL_Device_File.h"
Would it be possible to contact the group and get the correct code for this SKU and send to me? I am happy to sign an NDA. I really need to get this resolved somehow. Is there a development board that someone can test? This shouldn't be this hard.
Hi Don,
We ran some tests with the code you provided and it looks like it's working. We saw that the device jumps to BSL and stays there to wait for a BSL command. We tested it with a SET_BAUDRATE command.
Below is a picture of the SET_BAUDRATE command being sent with a response of 0x00 (which is what we expect to see)
Here is a link to the FRAM BSL User's Guide where you can see example responses for several different BSL commands (including SET_BAUDRATE).
It may take time for me to be able to send the file you are requesting (assuming I get the permission to do so). However, it looks like it's working on our end.
Can you send me screenshots of the exact problem you are seeing?
I now have the LaunchPad board setup with a serial port on A0 and it successfully runs our code. I then go to the top of main and set a breakpoint. Once it breaks, I find this code and I "Move to Line"
__bis_SR_register(SCG0); // disable FLL
CSCTL1 = DCORSEL_3;// DCO Range = 8MHz
CSCTL2 = FLLD_0 + 243; // DCOCLKDIV = 8MHz
__bic_SR_register(SCG0); // enable FLL
// Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode to activate
// previously configured port settings
((void (*)() )0x1000)();
I execute into the BSL and after the point where the BSL code is setting up the clock registers, it executes a MOV.W into computed memory, and at that point the TX line looks like it is changed to an input. It never gets set to be the TXD output (remains an input) and at some point the code hangs.
Previously, Mitch had sent me this screenshot of a working 2355 responding to the Set Baudrate command. I noticed that the TX line was actually low until it saw data coming in, so I replicated this sequence, however, there was no change the TX line is still floating. (It does transmit in my application.) The test was done on the LaunchPad. For the LaunchPad, I have taken P1.6 and P1.7 and level shifted them to RS232 levels for my BSL_RX and BSL_TX.
Hey Don,
One thing I'd like you to check. Can you right click on the project in CCS and go to Properties > General > MPU and make sure that the “Enable Memory Protection Unit (MPU)” box is not checked? I think this may be checked by default. Please uncheck this (if it is checked), rebuild the project, and see how the BSL behaves.
I was not able to get them both to clear:
Also, I looked in the register, and the bits were 1 after a clean rebuild with it set as above:
Mitch - I made some progress!
I set the customer configuration block such that it forced serial download (vs. auto config) and I got a response to my SET BAUD. I suspect that the autoconfig is not working properly on the part, or that our I2C devices out there are causing it to think its an I2C transfer. I will let you know if I can actually download software once I jump that hurdle.
Turns out I only got to see it try to work that one time, then I lost the formula. I added code to get the bslConfig to work. This was from your SLAU550P document around page 11, with one exception:
// ******************************************************************************
// BSL Config
// ******************************************************************************
#define BSL_CONFIG_SIGNATURE (0x695A) // BSL Configuration Signature
#define BSL_CONFIG_PASSWORD (0x5A00) // BSL User's Configuration Signature
#define BSL_CONFIG_TINY_RAM_ERASED_BY_INIT (0xFFF7) // Tiny RAM is erased during BSL invocation
#define BSL_CONFIG_TINY_RAM_NOT_ERASED_BY_INIT (0xFFFF) // (Default) Tiny RAM is not erased during BSL invocation
#define BSL_CONFIG_RAM_ERASED_BY_INIT (0xFFFB) // RAM is erased during BSL invocation
#define BSL_CONFIG_RAM_NOT_ERASED_BY_INIT (0xFFFF) // (Default) RAM is not erased during BSL invocation
#pragma RETAIN(bslConfigurationSignature)
#pragma DATA_SECTION(bslConfigurationSignature, ".bslconfigsignature")
const unsigned int bslConfigurationSignature = BSL_CONFIG_SIGNATURE;
#pragma RETAIN(bslConfig)
#pragma DATA_SECTION(bslConfig, ".bslconfig")
I had to add the ~ in front of BSL_CONFIG_INTERFACE_UART_ONLY. don't know how this was intended to to work as written. As you can see my configuration is now in memory:
This is the code I was jumping to to invoke:
__bis_SR_register(SCG0); // disable FLL
CSCTL1 = DCORSEL_3;// DCO Range = 8MHz
CSCTL2 = FLLD_0 + 243; // DCOCLKDIV = 8MHz
__bic_SR_register(SCG0); // enable FLL
// Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode to activate
// previously configured port settings
((void (*)() )0x1000)();
My SYSCONFIG0 is at x09603. I think this is the protected mode, but your code example had me setting the bits, so I'm not sure. It doesn't seem to make a difference.
I don't know what I might have done differently when it worked, still trying to figure it out.
Can you help further?
It is very unstable. Sometimes I can set baud rates, sometimes I cannot. I haven't been able to actually program anything yet. Actively working it now.
I think I figured out how you have it hooked up:
Ran the above code, then ran BSL_Scripter with this:
(COM9 is my MSP Application UART 1)
No returned data.
Hey Don,
When you remove the ribbon from the MSP-FET, you will want to use jumper wires to connect the MSP-FET to the EVM. Use pin 2 (VCC_TOOL) for power, pin 9 for GND, pin 12 for TX, pin 14 for RX.
I also noticed you are running the TX_BSL_VERSION command. This is a protected command, which means you will need to provide the RX_PASSWORD before the device will respond to this command. Instead of trying the TX_BSL_VERSION command, can you try the CHANGE_BAUD_RATE command? This is not protected. Some examples of the format for this command are:
Good news. I have that working reliably. Finally. I am going to get downloading working on the Launch Pad before I figure out why it isn't working on my hardware.
Is this the proper script.txt?
RX_PASSWORD pass32_default.txt
Is this the password:
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
Awesome! We are making progress!
Your script looks good except for your password. The BSL password is the data in the interrupt vector from 0xFFE0 to 0xFFFF:
You can find this data by programming your device in CCS (but do not run it), then going to View > Memory Browser. You should see a window like this:
This is the data I see when I programmed the device with the SW you provided (with the user configurations commented out). You will want to make sure your password file matches the data in this region. The password file I used with your code was this:
46 80 46 80 46 80 46 80 46 80 46 80 46 80 46 80
46 80 46 80 46 80 46 80 46 80 46 80 46 80 32 80
You will need to keep in mind the endian-ness for the password file. Input the lower-byte first, then upper byte. You can see that my last 2 data bytes (from address 0xFFFE and 0XFFFF) are different since this is my reset vector data.
Sorry to interrupt the thread, but I've been following this, and am confused. Just for my education, if you are using a Launchpad instead of an MSP-FET to connect to the FR2355, why don't you need "PARITY" on the BSL-Scripter MODE line? I thought only the MSP-FET and the Rocket provided the even parity needed by the chip's BSL. Does the launchpad provide that too?
And I guess the same question applies with respect to the BSL hardware invocation pattern on /Reset and Test, which I thought the MSP-FET or Rocket provided, not BSL-Scripter. How are you making that happen with a Launchpad and Scripter?
Hi George,
We don't need "PARITY" on the BSL-Scripter MODE line because we are indeed using the MSP-FET tool. Sorry if this wasn't clear earlier in the thread.
The setup we have is:
PC connected to MSP-FET via USB > MSP-FET connected to FR2355 launchpad via jumper wires (jumper wire connections are VCC, GND, TX, and RX). This allows us to power the FR2355 launchpad with the MSP-FET tool. All BSL communication to the FR2355 launchpad is being done via MSP-FET.
Hey Don,
BSL devices usually communicate with the even-parity format. However, we don't have to explicitly set the parity in the script because the MSP-FET tool takes care of this for us.
Here is a link to the BSL Scripter's User Guide if you would like more info. The MODE command details are in section 2.4.1
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