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msp430 interfacing with TFT LCD??

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FG4618, MSP430FG4619

Can we interface TFT LCD with MSP430FG4618?? If yes, can the lcd module present in this uC, drive the LCD or any additional driver is required?? please reply..!!

  • Yes you can. You can use I2C, SPI or UART.  Read the datasheet of the LCD, be aware of the connection between the msp430fg4618 and the LCD.

    I used an uLCD 32PT and one msp430fg4619.




  • The internal LCD module of some MSPs is for plain passive 'glass' LCDs only.

    TFTs usually have their own logic and are stuffed using a 'normal' interface such as serial, SPI or I2C.
    It shouldn't be a problem to access a TFT from any MSP, but I doubt it will be of much use. Even the biggest MSPs doN't have so much ram that they could hold a complete TFT image internally. It might be possible, if the TFT has a randomly accessible ram (many don't) to 'draw' directly into the TFT buffer. However, most TFTs require their content linearly written for each screen update. Impossible for any MSP wihtout external support (external ram etc.).

    Well, TFT really isn't a low-power application, so the MSP series probably isn't the right choice for this application. The few milliamps more for a Stellaris or other processors surely won't count if you drive a TFT.

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