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MSP430F148 USART/SPI query??

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Iam using MSP430F148. Has 2 UARTS i.e., USART0 and USART1

Port 5 for SPI using pins P5.1-->SIMO   ,           P5.2 -->SOMI ,              P5.3--> CLK,     we are using this Port  5  for SPI communication

Port 3 for UART  P3.4-->TXD          ,P3.5--> RXD,                 P3.6,---> IR_TXD , P3.7--> IR_RXD  we are using this Port 3 as USART0  and USART1  to communicate with PC and IR communication

IS this above config correct my question is ,    there are only 2 UARTS and so 2 RXbuffs and 2 Txbuffs which are being used in Port3

then Port 5 for SPI which also uses Rxbuf1 and Txbuf1  ?



  • You are correct that there are only 2 RXBUFs (U0RXBUF & U1RXBUF) and 2 TXBUFs (U0TXBUF & U1TXBUF). The RXBUFs and TXBUFs are shared between SPIx and UARTx and you can perform one function at a time on that particular USARTx.

    For example you cannot do simultaneous transactions on SPI1 & UART1, because they share the RX & TX Buffers. Now, you can do simultaneous transfers on SPI1 (P5.x) & UART0 (P3.4 & P3.5).

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