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How to build the MSP430 Energy Meter Library in CCS???

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430AFE253

I'm trying to build the provided MSP430 Energy Meter Library from the TI website in CCS.  The chip is MSP430AFE253 so I've been importing those projects into the workspace.  I sucessfully load emeter-app-afe253, emeter-metrology-afe253, and emeter-toolkit-afe253 projects into the workspace.

When I try to build any of the projects I get several similar errors...

gmake:*** No rule to make target `C:/TI_Code_COmposer_Studio_5_2/ccsv5/eclipse/EMETER_SOURCES/emeter-metrology/emeter-background.c', needed by `emeter-background.obj'.

all the imported .c and .asm files are giving the same error in all of the projects.

How do I fix this so the projects build?

  • Hi Randy,

    Can I confirm you import the projects as CCS projects?  Ie PRoject->Import existing CCS/Eclipse project.  Have you double checked your include paths and variables?

    Please keep us informed.

    Best Regards,


  • I've imported the projects via Project>Import Existing CCS Eclipse Project.  But instead of showing up in the workspace as a CCS taged folder they show up as a C taged folder.  When I expand the folder for the project all of the .c, .h, .asm files have a yellow box with an explanation point in them, and I can't open the .c, .h, .asm files to view the code.

    trying to view dds.c in the imported emeter-toolkit project gives an error...

    Could not open the editor: Must specify a URI scheme:EMETER_SOURCES/emeter-toolkit/src/dds.c


    I tried adding the folder paths via right clicking the project folder, selecting Properties>Build>MSP430 Compiler>Include Options... then I added the folder paths to the .c , .h and .asm files listed in the project.  I clicked ok, then rebuilt the project.  But I'm still getting the gmake:*** No rule to make target errors.  and I still can't open the files without getting the Could not open the editor error.

    I looked up how others deal with the gmake:*** No rule to make target error, but there is not a box to check for Create a subfolder for each eclipse project on the Import Existing CCS Eclipse Project page, or a box for Keep original location for each project.

    Some have suggested updating CCS.  I did that last night and still get the same errors.  I'm using CCS ver.

  • Hi Randy,

    I am going to move this thread to the msp forum for you as they wrote this example code and better know all the dependencies etc.  Basically it seems the linked files all have invalid locations and there are dependencies/library projects that need building within the workspace etc.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi team,

    Is there an update available regarding this customer's inquiry?


  • Hi Randy,

    The MSP430 Energy Meter Library was developed and currently supported using the IAR environment with the IAR compiler v6.x.  (see app note

    You can download IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 here

    Or if you'd rather you can try to port the code to CCS yourself.  You can use the following user's guide to help your IAR to CCS migration:




  • Hi,

    I'm trying to compile the Energy Library on CCS 5.2.1 and I have the same problem. 

    gmake:*** No rule to make target `C:/TI_Code_COmposer_Studio_5_2/ccsv5/eclipse/EMETER_SOURCES/emeter-metrology/emeter-background.c', needed by `emeter-background.obj'.


    So, I try to compile the library on IAR v 5.60.6 and I obtain this error:

    "Assembler list file generation not allowed in this version of the compiler"





  • Emiliano Di Carlo said:
    "Assembler list file generation not allowed in this version of the compiler"

    This tells it all. Apparently, the library was created with tweaks or settings for a different version of IAR and whatever they did is not compatible with the your compiler version. It may be that you have a demo version of IAR that doesn't support this feature, or you have a newer version that doesn't support this feature anymore.

    You can try to build up your own project from scratch, using only the source files, and trying to find out what else tweaks were done to the original project (like changed linker script). Or to find out which setting(s) are incompatible with your version and change them.

  • Hi,

    for CCS compiler issues I think is what you need.

    Let us know if this helped.


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