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MSP430G2553 queries (TSSOP-20) on custom board

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I am using MSP430G2553 on my custom board. Attached is my circuit. 

I have below queries:

Oscillator selection:

I have to operate my system on 16Mhz external oscillator.

1. I have selected this oscillator with load capacitance of 12pF:


What should be value of capacitor I connect. Is it two 12pF capacitors?

2. Launchpad of G series also have zero ohm resistors connected across XIN & XOut. Do I need to connect some value resistors also or crystal with 2 load capacitor will work fine.


1. Since I am working on my custom board , can I pick jumper wires from launchpad to debug my IC on custom board.

I am already using rxd & txd for uart. So I have left with TEST,RESET & GND.

So I make all jumper on connector J3 of launchpad pad open & then pick three wires TEST,RESET & GND from launchpad & then try todebug my custom board. Will it work.?

2. If not do I need to buy additional debugger from TI?

Open Pins:

1. On user guide of MSP430G2553 ( SLAU144J), Page 41 shows that reset should have less than 2.2nF capacitor if Spy bi interface is selected. & 10nF otherwise.

Does that mean once my program is final I have to repalce that capacitor in the end before sending to filed.

2. Test pin I have left open. Is it ok?

Information memory:

1. Can I use information memory as eeprom. In filed this device has to be calibrated several times. So can I read/write the data & read data on start up?


  • Aamir Ali1 said:


    1. Since I am working on my custom board , can I pick jumper wires from launchpad to debug my IC on custom board.

    I am already using rxd & txd for uart. So I have left with TEST,RESET & GND.

    So I make all jumper on connector J3 of launchpad pad open & then pick three wires TEST,RESET & GND from launchpad & then try todebug my custom board. Will it work.?

    2. If not do I need to buy additional debugger from TI?

    You can use MSP430G2 LP with MSP430G2553 external board by picking up SBW (TEST / RESET) signals from jumper section or LP on board target device DIP socket. LP target device must be removed, or SBW connection to LP on board target device disabled by jumpers.

    Aamir Ali1 said:

    Open Pins:

    1. On user guide of MSP430G2553 ( SLAU144J), Page 41 shows that reset should have less than 2.2nF capacitor if Spy bi interface is selected. & 10nF otherwise.

    Does that mean once my program is final I have to repalce that capacitor in the end before sending to filed.

    2. Test pin I have left open. Is it ok?

    2.2nF is used for target device start-up. It is not needed for SBW. If your device can start normally without cap, don't use it. If you need it, use 1 nF or 2.2 nF, and there is no need to replace it. Test pin have internal pull down resistor, no need for any external connection.

    Aamir Ali1 said:

    Information memory:

    1. Can I use information memory as eeprom. In filed this device has to be calibrated several times. So can I read/write the data & read data on start up?

    You can use any part of flash memory as eeprom, information memory also. Just take care to not overwrite calibrated data in protected info A segment, if you need / use them.

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