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I just

  • scott harding said:
    Hi, can someone please comment on this?

    Ok, so you posted the question at 5pm yesterday and are begging at 8:30am today. Most of us answering questions are volunteers.
     Please keep that in mind.

    To help you out:

    1. Are you sure that the device is inserted into the board socket correctly? Verify pin location for both the socket and the part.

    2. Do you have the correct firmware in your MSP-FET430UIF pod? Can you program other devices with it successfully?

    3. Have you checked that the version of CCS you are using supports that device?

  • Be sure to insert the MSP correctly. Use the Pin1 marker on the PCB, not the one on the socket (Originally, the sockets didn’t have a marker, and when they were introduced, it turned out they were not where they were expected by the placing info.) I fell into the same pit when starting with my breakout board. Luckily, the MSP is a tough guy and usually survives this without permanent damage.
    And, this is an engineer-to-engineer forum, with people offering help in their spare time, even though some TI support people are here to provide help if a problem can’t be solved. This is no “paid instant help” support desk. Not to mention that this is an international forum, and when you post a question, it may well be that those who might provide an answer, are not around. I agree that ‘begging’ is perhaps the wrong word. ‘nagging’ would fit better. :) Brian’s comment was not about the question itself, but about the fact that you didn’t even allow one day for an answer before pushing it up again. I can imagine that it is important for you to get an answer, but it isn’t important for us to provide one. Most here not paid for helping. And that fact that you bought a TI product doesn’t mean you are entitled for your personal full-time engineer companion. So the moral inference was not about a person asking a question, but about a person asking again without waiting a decent time for an answer.
    As a hint: many people are reading threads oldest first. And when you are impatient and post a ‘please answer’, the thread is pushed in front and is reached and read last.
  • scott harding said:
    I thought I was just asking a question

    And then you asked it again only 30 minutes later (from a business day/hours perspective). People volunteering to answer your questions does not come with a Service Level Agreement.

    scott harding said:
    Do you think you could at least try to refrain from reinforcing the perception of a lack of social tact

    Like your reply did?

    And don't forget that I did try to help answer your issue with some initial things to try.

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