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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5529, ENERGIA, L293D, CC3100, MSP-FET, LP2950, LM2576

HI. My name is Ibrahim Shofiquel. I a Computer Engineernig student graduating in the next two weeks. We have a capstone senior design course and i am trying to flash our MSP430F5529 chip via 4-wire JTAG. Every time i try to debug ,the program updater in code composer studio (ccs 6.1.0)  tells me that the device was either not  found or failed to be initialized. I made sure that i selected msp430f5529 and made sure to use the example blink built into ccs. Their are no pins connected to pin 1.0. Alternatively i tried to run a similar blink code in Energia (version 13 and 14). I receive the folloiwng:

Found FET: COM28
MSP430_Initialize: COM28
Firmware version is 30403004
MSP430_VCC: 3000 mV
tilib: MSP430_OpenDevice: Unknown device (error = 5)
tilib: device initialization failed

Some things that should be known:

I have more than just the msp430f5529 on my pcb i also have the CC3100(the .sch files have not been released til the day of this post) , the MPU9150, 2 L293D, a linear 5 volt regulator (LP2950), and a swiching reguator circuit (LM2576-3,3v). Since in total the circuit will demand more current than the MSP-Fet can supply, i took the liberty of setting the jtag socket so that pin 4 is attacehd to my power supply (3.3) as suggested in the TI documentation. I did in deed checked to see if the voltahe regulators are supplying 5 and 3,3 volts to their respective locations and they do. I also have setup my jtag configurations for msp430f5529 just like TI has suggested. The only odd thing i noticed is that the voltage after the reset pin of the jtag socket and before the 47k ohm resistor was around 2.5 volts and after the 47k ohm resistor it is 3.1 volts. Note this is before i tried to program the msp430f5529. Strangely when i setup the JTAG socket to supply voltage from it self (connect pin 2 to VCC) i get 3.3 volts every where.

Ok and lets suppose for even a second that those errors with the JTAG programming are due to my amateurish attempt at pcb design. Then how would this phenomena be explained when i purschased this: 

I also have 3 additional "fresh off the press" MSP430F5529's. I tried to program them with the MSP-FET and 80 pin target board and the same errors persist. 

TL;DR: What am i doing wrong, could it be a faulty FET or is Murphey just coming out to play

P.S. I know i may sound light-hearted but this project decides my futures on whether i graduate or not. I bit off more than i could chew and now i am regretting it.

We demo our projects in front of a committee on 4/21/2015 @ 2pm. Please help me. Thank you in advance.

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