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MSP FET driver problem

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET

I bought a new FET (the black one). When I attach it to my PC, in the device manager it is listed under 'other devices' as 'MSP Tools Driver'. The device has VID 2047, PID 0014. When I locate the drivers pathj to the TI subdir, no valid drivers is found .... WHat to do now? I use CCS v6.0.1.

  • I'm running into this as well, just reinstalled everything on a new laptop and BOOM "I see the "other devices" the same as you do! Tried the same thing, update drivers etc., and just like you - no joy.

    I hope someone answers soon, this is a real issue. Weird as it worked fine on my old laptop...

    Ed Averill
  • I found a couple of related threads that seem to point to missing Windows USB drivers causing this type of issue. Could you please check if your case may be similar (especially since Edward indicated that it works well on a different laptop)?

    I will also move this thread to the MSP430 forum in case the experts there have something more to add.

  • The first link had the info I needed, now I see the FET fine.

    If this works for Gerard, I'll let him flag this as "answered". Thanks for the help!!

    Ed Averill
  • All these files do exist on my PC. I did copy the files from another windows 7 (32 bits) computer but that did not help.

    When I take a look into "ti\ccsv6\ccs_base\emulation\drivers\msp430\USB_CDC" I find the file msp430tools.inf. In this file when I search for VID_2047 and PID_0014 I do find these lines in this file:

    under "[DeviceList]" I find this:

    %DESCRIPTION_DBG%=TIUSB, USB\Vid_2047&Pid_0014&MI_00

    %DESCRIPTION1%=TIUSB, USB\Vid_2047&Pid_0014&MI_02

    %DESCRIPTION2%=TIUSB, USB\Vid_2047&Pid_0014&MI_04

    When I try to reinstall the device and let the PC pickt the driver from this location, no driver was loaded ....

    Next I checked if under c:\windows\inf I could find these VID and PID and I found this located in file c:\windows\inf\oem12.inf. So I reinstalled the device again and told windows to look into c:\windows\inf. That helped because now my 'other devices' showed me 2 new 'other devices'. MSP Application UART and MSP DEBUG Interface. Still no driver was loaded byt by reinstalling the driver again, I managed to get 2 new ports, "MSP Application UART1" and "MSP Debug Interface".

    Well, sofa so good. I fired up CCS6 and tried tod ebug a project. OK, a new device probablu needs a new firmware. So CCS6 decided to update the new device:


    MSP430: Error initializing emulator: A firmware update is required for the MSP430 Debug Interface (MSP-FET430UIF / MSP-FET / eZ-FET). Click the "Update" button to update the firmware and launch your debug session (this may require several update steps).  DO NOT UNPLUG THE INTERFACE DURING THE UPDATE.


    MSP430: Error: MSP-FET / eZ-FET core(communication layer) update failed.


    WOW, TI, what a hurdle this is to take to get one device running .... devices are gone in the device manager and I am stuck again now with an unknown device... pffff Man:

    Error initializing emulator: One of the connected MSP-FETs / eZ-FETs debuggers needs recovery. Select 'Recover' to start the recovery process. Note: Only one MSP-FET / eZ-FET debugger can be connected to your system during recovery.

    Ok, so I hit the Recover button. A new window appears with 'updating firmware' ....

    that helped so, WOW, maybe my device is up and running.... Hitting the debug button gave me this:

    Error connecting to the target: Unknown device

    So, Yes the driver is loaded but the device can not be debugged... My old programmer still works, so for the moment I will use that one. I hope that one of you guys can give me some tips for this problem.

  • Found the problem! The new programmer requires pin 8 to be connected to the programmer. We only connected pins 1,3,5,7,9,11 + 2,4. When connecting this pin as well, now i finally can reprogram my device. Hurray!

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