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MSP430: Error connecting to the target: Device configuration data inconsistent. Please discontinue using/replace target device.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR4133, MSP-EXP430FR4133

I am getting the following message when I try to update my msp430FR4133 launchpad with CCS:

MSP430: Error connecting to the target: Device configuration data inconsistent. Please discontinue using/replace target device.

Is there any way to recover from this?  Did I somehow break my launchpad?  I didn't do anything unusual with it--just noticed it wasn't working today and when I tried to re-load the program on it, it failed.  


  • Hi Keith,

    I personally haven't seen this error message before. Can you provide some information to help us out in understanding the issue:

    1. What version of CCS do you have (you can find this in CCS under the Help menu)
    2. What revision of the MSP-EXP430FR4133 Launchpad do you have (should say on the board somewhere)
    3. If you look at the MSP430FR4133 device on the Launchpad, how is it marked? (e.g. does it say X430 or XMS430, instead of MSP430 - X indicates a pre-release part). What revision letter is on the MSP430 device itself - Rev. A or B?
    4. Were you ever able to program this Launchpad before, but after some recent change (e.g. updating CCS, loading some code, etc) can now no longer program it and get this error?

  • Hi Katie, thanks for your response.

    I don't have the board in front of me right now, so I can answer more fully later on.

    1) The latest.  I believe it's 6.1.1, but I've checked for updates within the past week, so it's whatever is the latest.

    2) I don't recall.  I bought it back in May.

    3) I do recall this--it says MSP430 on it, Rev B.

    4) Yes, I've been able to program it numerous (> 100) times.  

    After some thought, I *think* I may know what happened.  I have the chip connected directly to a USB-serial adapter.  The adapter puts out a max of 3.7v (checked it with a scope).  Yesterday I disconnected power from the board but left the serial adapter connected.  Looking at the spec sheet today, I'm realizing that the pin inputs are supposed to be no more than .3V above Vcc, and I guess it was 3.7v above Vcc since I had Vcc disconnected.  Am I right in thinking I've burned it out doing this?  

  • Hi Keith,

    Yes I would be concerned since having 3.7V on a pin with no voltage on Vcc violates the absolute maximum ratings from the datasheet specification. As you see, it has a footnote explaining that stresses beyond this can cause permanent damage to the device especially if they are applied for extended periods of time. It would probably be best to get a new device.

  • Sigh, thanks. I should have known better. I'll try my hand at soldering a new chip onto the board.

    Thanks again

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