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Is there a die/process change on the MSP430F5435 vs. MSP430F5435A?

If so, what, if any details about the change can be offered?

I do see the migration info here:

But it does not specifically speak to any die/process change. The lower currents and higher speeds hint at a process change.

Thank you.


Mike Bellino

  • Mike,

    We label the F5435 as NRND (Not Recommended for New Designs) and instead recommend the F5435A as a pin compatible (but not exact) replacement.

    Can you explain what exactly you are looking for and why a die/process change (or no change) would be significant? Hopefully I can address whatever your concerns are.

  • Thank you for responding, Mike.

    If there is a die/process change this could trigger deeper levels of EM testing (radiated, but particularly immunity). If the process is the same, we could make the engineering judgement that lesser testing is necessary. We also would like to note the process change in our design notebook for due diligence and discuss any other potential impacts.
  • Hi Mike,

    You should treat the F5435 and F5435A the same way you would treat any other two MSP430s that do not share a data sheet (i.e. F5529 and F5438A).


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