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MSP430FR6922 LPM4.5 current too high

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET, MSP-EXP430FR6989, ENERGYTRACE, MSP430FR6922, MSP-EXP430FR5969

Hi all,

I try to make FR6922 get into LPM4.5 mode, but it doesn't work. I measure the current consumption and find a fixed current pattern as show below. Please note there is a LCD connected but it is disabled by setting LCDCCTL0=0.

I design a current meter by using a high precision OPA with gain=100 and a 10ohm resistor. So, 1V = 1mA. The measured "CH1 Mean" is 29.39mV --> 29.39uA. The frequency of the measured pattern is about 430~470Hz. I guess there is a module still working inside FR6922.

Does any one know the reason?

  • Hi Robert,

    I believe that the MSP430FR6922 supports EnergyTrace++. The peripheral states view in EnergyTrace++ should be the perfect tool to help you determine if your device is truly entering LPM4.5 mode, and also could help you to see if any of your peripherals is still enabled. You will need an MSP-FET or Launchpad that supports EnergyTrace++ like MSP-EXP430FR5969 or MSP-EXP430FR6989 as your hardware tool, and EnergyTrace++ software support is built into CCS. You can find more information here: There's some training here: and an app note here: that might help you get started with EnergyTrace. I hope this helps give you a good path forward debugging your issue.

  • Thanks for your advice. I never use EnergyTrace before. It looks like the right time to use it now. I need to get a MSP-EXP430FR6989...

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