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MSP-TS430PZ100B: Low authentication, connection permanently rejected, MSP-TS430PZ100B

Part Number: MSP-TS430PZ100B


I'm trying to access the device using Guruxdirector in low authentication but it gives me "Connection permanently rejected, Authentication failure", i can however access it using None authentication

i think the password i'm using might be wrong, i'm using a password " 00000000 " in low authentication, is the password wrong and if it is what's the right password?

Thanks in advance.

  • Hello Mostafa,

    The Texas Instruments MSP430 team has little experience with the Gurux director tool, you may find better support on the Forum. Are you using JTAG, SBW, or BSL communication and what is this password for? Try FFFFFFFFh instead.

  • Hello Ryan,
    thanks for your reply, i'm using JTAG to burn the code on the board, and the password is used in the DLMSdirector Low authentication GUI

    Edit: The "FFFFFFFFh" password isn't working either, the Correct password is "Hello" for the DLMS library, i found it at the config.c file with variable name auth1


  • Hi Mostafa,

    Please refer to the MSP430™ Programming With the JTAG Interface User's Guide (SLAU320) for more information regarding JTAG programming, but I think the password you are referring to has to do with the GXDLMSDirector GUI, you can try ABCDEFGH as this is the default low level password as found on the website.

  • Hello Ryan,

    Thanks for your help, i found the correct password, edited in my reply above.

    Best regards,

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