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CCS/MSP-EXP430F5438: User experience demo

Part Number: MSP-EXP430F5438

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I downloaded the zip file from ti website to obtain the user experience programs. Tried to build and debug them. Even after debug and run, the lcd screen doesn't light up with the TI logo like its supposed to. Maybe I'm going wrong with the way I'm going about the process. Could please guide me?

I am using ccsv6.1 and MSP-EXP430F5438 experimenter board.

Thank you!

  • Hello Sunidhi,

    Did you follow the Software Installation and Debugging section of the MSP-EXP430F5438 Experimenter Board User Guide?

    Is the MSP430 you have a MSP430F5438 or MSP430F538A? What version of the experimenter board do you have?
  • Hi Jace!
    Thanks for replying.
    Yes I followed the user guide till running the user experience demo. It says the screen is supposed to splashed with ti logo, which isn't happening with me.
    I am using MSP-EXP430F5438 REV 0-03 board with MSP430F5438A chip.
  • Hello Sunidhi,

    Can you try using the version of code within MSP430Ware? This version may be more up to date and work with the current version of CCS.

    Within CCS please navigate tot he following. TI Resource Explorer -> Software -> MSP430Ware -vxxxxxx -> Development Tools -> MSP-EXP430F5438 -> Demos -> User Experience Project. From here you should be able to compile and download the onto the device.

    Also, is the board you are suing fresh form the box, or has it been used before? If used before, can you double check to see if its been modified at all?
  • Hi Jace!

    Initially i tried using MSPWare on ccv7 and after debugging the only error was that the compiler version is not compatible and that I should use version 4.1.5 . I tried with that too but the program did not get imported onto the workspace at all. 

    Now one of the errors I'm getting is - 

    Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
    could not open source file "..\MSP-EXP430F5438 HAL\hal_MSP-EXP430F5438.h" MSP-EXP430F5438_User_Experience main.c line 12 1494479281384 3

    Other than this, I get errors that say .xml file does not exit under the ccsv6/ccs_base/scripting/examples/C64/tisim_c64xpcpube.ccxml

  • Hello Sunidhi,

    I was able to duplicate your issue on CCS7 as well. Everything seemed to build/download correctly, but the splash screen or menu never appeared on the LCD. I believe this has to do with the incompatibility of the newest compiler versions with the much older version this project was built on. I was able to get the project to work correctly by first deleting the current project I had in my work space, and re-importing a clean version. Then you must download the original compiler for the project. To do this navigate to Help -> Install New Software. Uncheck the box near the bottom that states "Show only the latest versions of available software". In the drop down menu up top, select "Code Generation Tools Update. Expand the TI Compiler Updates menu and search for MSP430 Compiler Tools v4.1.5. Download this compiler, CCS will ask you to restart CCS to finish installing. Once you restart CCS, Clean and Build the project with compiler v4.1.5 selected within the Project Build settings menu. Download/Debug and you should have the User Experience on board and working correctly.
  • Hi jace!

    Thanks for the reply  I was able to run the user experience program but have a few doubts

    1 . Is there any way to access the ADC of the MSP430F5438A chip on the MSP EXP 430 F 5438 board?

    2. The programmer MSP FET430UIF uploads code into the controller without any problems. But when I upload the User Experience code into the experimenter board, the LCD is blank under all circumstances and the backlight is on . Tried swapping LCDs, didn't work. What am I doing wrong?

    3. What is the purpose of PORT X.Y header on the board?

    4. Why is the loading capacitors C59 and C60 missing near the XTAL1.

    5. The product website suggests using MSP430F5438 chip on the MSP430F5438 experimenter​ board but I'm using MSP430F5438A chip. Will that cause problems?

  • Hello Sunidhi,

    For most of your questions here, please see the experimenter board user guide for your answers. In regards to the crystal caps, the board is setup to use the internal caps within the MSP430. the PORTx.y header is there to give you access to different pins on the MSP430.

    Please use the MSP430F5438A version of the chip as this is the most up to date version. The "A" indicates a major revision change that was done to the part.

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