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CCS/MSP430FR5969: On OSX, cannot connect to any USB port...

Part Number: MSP430FR5969
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP430FR5969, TRF7970A, ENERGIA, , MSP430F5529, MSP430FR2311, ENERGYTRACE

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Just got a brand-spankin' new MSP-EXP430FR5969 and am hoping to experiment a bit.

are all drivers provided available only for Windows? I hope not...

Am in the Out-of-Box GUI app in CCS. I cannot get dropdown list of USB ports to populate, so cannot do anything.

After Step 1, would like to access the TRF7970A BoosterPack we have attached to play with RFID.

It's not at all clear how the example code is organized. Is a firmware flash required? How to start with the basics?

Upon connecting the board, these serial ports do appear. Good sign, right?



Finally, any news on when Energia support for this board will be added? Was disappointed to learn that this (very new model) board is not supported there.

  • Hello LouEEEE,

    The MSP430FR5969 LaunchPad is supported for OS X 64bit. You may have to download the MSPDebugStack, MSP430Flasher, or CCS first in order to get the proper drivers for the launchpad to be recognized by OS X if this is the first time you are connecting anMSP430 to your computer. Please see the MSP Debuggers User Guide ( ) for more information.

  • Hello LouEEEE,

    EDIT: I need to redact my prior post for the moment as I was wrong about the OS X support for the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad.

    EDIT 2: Okay sorted it all out!!

    As I was originally mentioning (and should have left up while I was looking for the final answer) unfortunately we do not have any code examples available for the MSP430FR5969 with the TRF7970A.

    To use the TRF7970A on Mac OS x with TI firmware examples, the MSP432 LaunchPad is - according to the information I have received - supported!

    So with then the LaunchPad you'd want is:

    All the other info remains the same as the firmware and app note I posted earlier still applies to the MSP432 as well:

    Firmware to load onto it can be gotten here:

    • The firmware comes with a GUI you can use to select modes and read tag data, and you can use it with NFC-enabled Android smartphones too with the Peer-to-Peer mode!

    App note for the background of the firmware:

    And lastly, while I can't comment at all on Energia support for the MSP430 itself, there is no Energia support for the TRF7970A for any LaunchPad.

  • Thanks, Ralph, for your answer.

    I'll get back to this part of my New-guy-with-a-couple-of-LanchPads journey in a couple of days. ( Ha! )

    Meanwhile, the MSP-EXP432P401R is one of the devices we don't have. Might this sample code work on other MSP430 variants?  Have MSP-430FR2311 here somewhere on our vast Development Campus...

    sloa227 firmware you point to appears to be Windows only?

    And, apart from pre-built firmware examples, I'd be happy to get an archive of buildable code. Anything? 

  • Hello LouEEEE,

    It may be possible to port it to the MSP430FR5969, but you'd need to cut out some NFC operating modes as the device won't handle the full NFC stack. Furthermore you'd have to re-purpose some FRAM to RAM to support the rest of the stack. Frankly, I would think you'd save a lot more time just getting an MSP432 LaunchPad than going through the whole porting process.

    I suppose one other option is to try and port the basic RFID reader example which doesn't come with any GUI and just blurts out tag data over UART - that wouldn't be as complicated to port to the MSP430FR5969 but it's not too fun to play around with as it's just a basic tag reading demo. The source code for that can be found here:

    Either of those source codes won't work on the MSP430FR2311, there's just not enough memory on that device to support the TRF7970A hardware driver plus even just a bare bone NFC stack.
  • THanks for getting back, Ralph,

    Though we are immensely interested in the MSP Low Power platform for future, my only immediate purpose for these boards was in evaluation of RFID and NFC. I have no real interest in implementing NFC on the MSP430FR5969. Other aspects of this board are fascinating in other contexts; have already looked through the EnergyTrace stuff with it running. Nice!

    Ultimately, the immediate goal (short term, one hopes?) is nothing more than to add RFID tag read/write to the TM4C129 platform. I'm currently in the throes of dissecting the spi_loopback demo, hoping to interface a simple MFRC522 via SPI.

    Ralph Jacobi said:
    ...basic RFID reader example which doesn't come with any GUI and just blurts out tag data over UART ... but it's not too fun to play around with as it's just a basic tag reading demo

     -- I would be ecstatic with just a basic tag reading demo, even if it were only a stepping stone to greater understanding of the TI/TivaWare coding model. As I (may have?) mentioned, we already have significant experience in doing much of this from Arduino.

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