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MSP430F6779A: demo/application note of moving ADC results to external SPI flash via DMA

Part Number: MSP430F6779A
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-TS430PEU128, MSP430WARE, MSP430F5529, MSP430F6779


We are doing a standalone white goods diagnostic tool box. There needs to collect ADC conversion values to external memory.

So far, we evaluated the MSP430F6779A chip with MSP-TS430PEU128 board.
What we want to do is using DMA to transfer ADC results to internal 2KB buffer. When buffer is full, will trigger DMA start to move data to external SPI Flash( IS25LQ032B) .
Do you have similar application note(software) for reference? We use IAR ARM workbench V8.11 IDE SW.
Thank you.

with regards,


  • Hello Danniel,

    Example code that shows similar functionality to what you want can be found in MSP430Ware, which can be found within CCS or at the cloud based tool linked here.

    You can find your device on the left dropdown with several code examples. In particular we have several SPI examples as well as ADC +DMA examples. Although not the same part, the MSP430F5529 is in the same family of devices and has a code example showing DMA+SPI together.

    Also please be aware that the IAR ARM compiler will not work for MSP430 as it is not an ARM device. There is a version of IAR made for MSP430 that you will need. You can also checkout CCS (Code Composer Studio) for an IDE.
  • Hi Jace,

    Thank you very much.

    Gosh, we just think MSP430F6779A is ARM Cortex-M0+ core chip. Thanks for the guide.

    We do a quick check, the MSP430FR599x chip is using M0+ core.

    We don't compare low power current data MSP430FR599x vs. MSP430F6779.

    Our application is battery powered, low power consumption is key factor.

    Which chip will be more suitable to our application? Any suggestion?

    BTW: if SPI example of MSP430F5529 is also reusable for MSP430FR599x chip?

    Thanks again for the help!

    best regards,


  • Hello Danniel,

    No MSP430 has an ARM core. They are all MSP430 cores. TI does have some ARM cores such as MSP432 (M4F), TM4C, some of our wireless MCUs, and other higher end processors. I do not think TI has M0+ ARM cores.

    The SPI examples are similar between MSP430 device, but can differ depending on the exact SPI module or if DMA exists on the part. We have separate example for MSP430FR599x parts within MSP430Ware. You just have to go up the tree on the left side a level for MSP430FR5xx/MSP430FR6xx devices.

    That being said, MSP430 is an industry leader in low power applications, especially in battery operated conditions. Low Power Sensors and Measurement is MSP430's DNA. Without further details on what your application is though, I won't be able to pinpoint the best MSP430 for you.
  • Hello Jace,

    Thank you a lot about the detailed info.

    We will evaluate MSP430 family products and select one suitable chip for our application.

    BTW: We want to know the lead time of MSP430F6779A chip, do you have any data? 

    Thanks again.

    best regards,


  • Hello Danniel,

    You will have to work with your local distributor for information about lead times for specific chip and packages.
  • Thank you for the help!

    best regards,


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