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CCS/MSP430FR2433: MSP430FR2433 Inconsistent Power Results

Part Number: MSP430FR2433
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi all,

I'm trying to troubleshoot differing sleep currents when in LPM3 on the launchpad. 

Using the Energia framework, the SleepSeconds function (which is intended as LPM3) puts the MSP430FR2433 at using 18ua, where as without Energia, example code from TI successfully puts the device below 1ua. 

I was hoping maybe someone here has had any experience with these functions, as so far the Energia forum has not been helpful (yet).  

From what I can tell, the SleepSeconds function should provide the same low power. Any assistance here would be greatly appreciated. So I assume there is something else with the energia framework preventing the device from going properly into LPM3. 

  • Hi Jame

    What's your mean by "example code from TI successfully puts the device below 1ua"? You run it in CCS ?

    Best regards
  • Hi Jame,

    it is my guessing, probably Energia does not disconnect clocks from all unused timers, ADCs and other peripherals.
    To fix it, I recommend you to analyze Energia libs to find which resources are initialized at startup and turnoff whatever is unneeded.
  • Hi, I have tried examples from the Driver Lib in CCS (as in, no Energia platform involved). Which provide the expected deepsleep current.
    For my project, there is a variety of sensors which have existing arduino libraries, which are very comprehensive in their features- which is why I had wanted to use the Energia platform.
  • Wiring/Arduino was never about low power, rather versatility and ease of use. I suspect Energia inherited at least some of that. The fact that you reached 18uA suggests they did a pretty good job -- the best I ever got out of an Arduino Uno was about 5mA.

    I'm not trying to discourage you, just to manage expectations.

    That said: I think there are some Energia wizards here (I'm not one of them), but I'm not sure when they'll appear.
  • Definitely understand that. I'm hoping to use it for the speed of development it will offer. But I guess I'm greedy and want the best of both worlds. The SleepSeconds is essentially intended as a LPM3 implementation. From

    "With sleep() and sleepSeconds(), the MCU enters LPM3:
    -CPU is disabled.
    -MCLK and SMCLK are disabled.
    -DCO's dc generator is disabled.
    -ACLK remains active."

    I'm just trying to identify the differences so I can squeeze more power savings out of the platform. I'm in the process of trying to put together my own 'sleepseconds' which is closer to the "msp430fr243x_LPM3_02.c" example for the MSP4302433. Hoping one of those wizards can materialize in the mean time, to potentially make it even better.
  • Ok, the plot thickens. The example code from TI: "MSP430FR243x Demo - LPM3 entry with MCLK 16MHz"

    Also uses ~18ua (The same amount as the energia sleepSeconds), which is far more than the ~2ua I assumed LPM3 would provide.

    If someone could shed light on why this example might use so much more power; that would be AWESOME.

  • I can put the device into 3.5 with no worries (ctpl_ex2_rtc_lpm35 - LPM3.5 With RTC Wakeup) but LPM3 escapes me. Even without Energia; contrary to what I originally said.

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