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MSP-EXP430FR5994: Audio Record and Playback Demo

Part Number: MSP-EXP430FR5994
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BOOSTXL-AUDIO

Dear Forum,

I using the MSP- EXP430FR5994 and BOOSTXL-AUDIO. I've programmed the device with Audio Record and Playback Example, but I'm not hearing anything during playback.

I'm using CCS Version:

Windows Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134

MSP430:  Flash/FRAM usage is 134476 bytes. RAM usage is 196 bytes.

Any debugging tips?

thank you,


  • Hi Scott,

    Did you follow the booster pack user's guide?

  • Hi Scott,

    Please refer to post

  • That worked. Suggestions:

    1. It be helpful to inform the purchaser of this bug before they buy it.

    2.  I think it's possible to set compiler/linker options in the Demo project to disable the MPU so it works out of the box?

    For any other hapless individuals who have stumbled into a similar misadventure, maybe this will help you: To disable the MPU, you might think that you can do this in the first option you come across in the compiler settings:

    But this would be wrong. You must set it in the  linker options:

    At this point you  may experience an error similar to this:

    My solution to this problem was just to start an entirely new directory and re-import the project. 

    Finally, as a way to verify the compiler options, I find the makefile to be extremely valuable. For example, in this case it's setting MPU_ENABLE during compilation, but this appears to be benign because it's disabling MPU during linking (I don't know what I'd without cygwin):

    Ideally, this would all be done via command-line, instead of fighting the GUI, but that's a story for another day. 

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