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MSP430F249-EP: Error connecting to the target: Unknown device

Part Number: MSP430F249-EP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, MSP-FET,

Hi, i am testing my microcontroller alone in a breakout board, there i connected JTAG and it works fine for sometime. After i got an error as "Error connecting to target : the debug interface to the device has been secured". Then it connected and debugs 2 times but single step debugging doesnot takes place. At the end it is not working "Error connecting to the target: Unknown device". I tried this for 5 IC's for all, i get the same issue. At the image i have connected R3 alone and left JTAG pin 2 floating

  • I think your pullup on RST is too small.  Try using a 47k pullup.

    You can reference the hardware users guide for example.

       The PM64 would be good option for reference.

    If this answers your question, please click "This Resolved My Issue"

  • Hi Wade, Thanks for your reply i've also tried with 47K pull up resistor on RST pin, now the program debugs fine but there comes an issue like internal command error, couldn't run single step. During debugging it doesnot enter into my program, the deassembler is running continuously.

  • Wade is out of the office for a week, so I am moving this thread to the commercial group that covers these parts.

  • When i tried to program I have got an error, 

    "File Loader: Verification failed: Values at address 0x1102 do not match Please verify target memory and memory map.
    A data verification error occurred, file load failed" for sometimes and

    "Could not write to device memory", kind of errors.

    When i checked with uniflash, at 0x1102 address there present 1207 value, also tried erase by address and mass erase options still my IC doesnot works fine. Please help me to find the solution.

  • Hi, 

    Message  "Error connecting to target : the debug interface to the device has been secured" is meant to indicate that the JTAG fuse has been blown, in which case the JTAG block is switched to bypass mode and no further access to the MSP430 JTAG. What tools are you using for the debug? MSP-FET and CCS or other programming tool? Could you check if there is setting to blow the JTAG fuse in the programming software tool?  

    You have tried 5 F249 devices and got the same error message? The 5 F249 devices are new MCU - memory is blank before connecting to JTAG? For the hardware connection, do you have tried to remove the R3 and R4? 



  • Hi,

    I'm using MSP-FET Flash emulation tool and CCSv8 as programming tool, there i find no option to blow JTAG fuse.

    In JTAG connection i connected R3 alone. I tried to program another MCU in a new break out board, there i can't able to store my program in flash memory, also i tried to store it in RAM and it stores good. The error what i am getting when tried to program in flash is,

  • Hi, 

    The target board ( ) can be used for the device debug. From the target board schematic, the pin2 of the JTAG 14 pin connector should be powered. So please change the R4 to 0-ohm and populated. R3 can be no stuff. 

    For your code, could you please include the <msp430.h> as the code examples? Or you can run a code example from the link: . This is the simple way to see if the code has problem or not. 

    From the error message, it seems you are getting a type of error called a "Data Verification error". This error is documented in the below wiki article, along with suggestions on how to resolve it:

    Hope the information can help you to resolve the problem. 

    Best regards, 


  • Hi, I am powering my device using external VCC, so i placed R3 resistor to connect VCC target. I also tried with powering target from debugger i.e. placing R4 resistor, but no use still i get same error as "unknown device". 

    Is it an IC problem ? because i have done the connections as per the user guide, for the same connections i get "data verification error" in another IC.

  • hI, 

    You can do swap test to confirm if the silicon is broken or not: 

    Do you have new F249 silicon to test? If the new F249 will work well with your connection, the issue one should have the silicon problem. Otherwise, you need to check if it is other issue. 



  • Hi, 

    Do you have done the swap test? It is suggested to use the code example and the same connection to test a new MSP430 device so that you can know if it is the device problem or the connection problem. 



  • Hi,

    I tried with 3 MSP430F249-EP and i don't have extra one, I am just using the example code to program it. For the same connection 2 ICs produce "unknown device error", and other one programmed well in RAM, not in flash memory.

    And I am not aware of swap test...

  • Hi, 

    Swap test means to exchange the MCUs of two test boards with same design. If the issue goes with the MCU, it indicates the MCU has the problem, maybe from hardware or from Software. If the issue doesn't go with the MCU, that indicates there is no problem with the MCUs. 

    Please let me know the result after the swap test. 



  • Hi, 

    Since there is no response for long time, it is supposed you have found solutions for this issue and I would like to close this thread now. If you have further questions, please reply on this thread directly or enable another post. 



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